So, all. Here are some of my recent, and not-so-recent pieces of art work. Some of my better skethces. Enjoy!

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Picture Post :) |
So, this post is just some thoughts that were racing through my head as I was writing this post. Tons of pictures too from over the past few monthes. :)
Girls can't drive
Girls just plain suck at driving. It's a known fact that girls are worse drivers then guys, and I was forced to be faced with this reality today, and it wasn't pleasant. I felt like puking through the whole ride! God forbid! This is why I will never get a driver's lisence. I'm not up to endangering my own life and the lives of those who are stupid enough to trust their future in my clumsy hands. The only place I am capable of driving anyone safely, is to the grave. And it's not just me. The same goes for every girl driver out there. I'm serious!
It's Not Cold Enough
It's the first of December, but you couldn't tell that from the weather. It's just wrong. I was fine in a T-shirt today when I am suppose to be shivering in a sweater and a fur coat! Bah! Where's the snow? How the hell will Santa get around in his sleigh without snow? I've been a good girl all year in hopes for good presants under the tree, but all my efforts will be in vain if Santa won't be able to get around because there ain't no snow? Damn global warming!
'Twilight' deserved a better director and funding, but despite all it's flaws, I still liked it. I'm a helpless fan of the book series. I mean, I read 'Twilight' 4 times, Eclipse 3 times, and New Moon 2 times, and I'm still up for another round. But seriously, what was that phyco director thinking? She almost as good as ruined the magic of the book with her pathetic attempts at directing. It's sad. So sad.
But anyways, my favorite charactors of the film were Emette and Charlie and Charlisle. They were the best part of the film. Sadly, Robert Pattinson was so NOT in sync with my idea of what Edward Cullen was suppose to look and act and talk like. But still, I liked the movie, and that's that.Relationships
Relationships are messy things. So if you're in one, it's only a matter of time before it shows you it's true colors and stabs you in the back. If you're not in one, you are extremly lucky. Enjoy your freedom, and be happy and content. Like I am! Life couldn't be simpler. Guys are wonderful. Don't get me wrong on that one, but I like them as friends, and I don't want to risk a good friendship by trying out a "relationship". I mean, it's rare that a relationship actually works out well. That's why you're still single! That's why I'm still single! That's why your hot neighbor is still single, and that old lady across the street is also still single. Relationships are sticky, and finding your "One True Love" takes a lifetime. So, if you're young, (like I am) then I suggest that you quit worring your silly head over being single and finidng your "True Love", and trying to flirt with that hottie that obviously isn't interested in you, and enjoy your youth! :)
Angels With Only One Wing
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
-Lucianno de Crescenzo
It's Christmas time. But Christmas will never be the same as it was when I was a 'lil kid. I remember the excitement of counting the presants under the tree, and comparing the numbers with my siblings. I remember the excitement of Christmas Eve where I could hardly sleep a wink because my head was full of the mystery of what lay within the shiny wrapping papers. I remember the excitement of ripping off wrapping paper after wrapping paper off the presants and squieling with delight to find that I got what I wanted without even knowing what I wanted. I remember the excitement of Chrstmas dinner, and how I stuffed my self silly, and couldn't move or breath properly for hours after that! Yeah, those were the days. But although, Chrismtas isn't nearly as cool as how it was back then, it's now cool in a different way.