My dear older brother will be visiting all the way from Taiwan this month!! I'm overjoyed! I miss that guy...
That's the good news. The bad news is that my back and shoulders and neck are in pain. You know how your back and shoulders start aching when you're short on sleep for a few days in a row? Well, that's the kinda pain I'm dealing with right now. The other night, I got ZERO sleep. I came back from work at around 1am, took a shower and got to bed at 2am, but despite how tired my body was, my brain was wide awake, and wouldn't stop spinning, and I couldn't find a position that I felt comfortable to sleep in. It was SO annoying! I was horrified as I watched it getting brighter outside and checked my watch to read 4:30am. I gave up on sleeping after that. I had work the next day, and thankfully, I slept well that night, but I'm still rather tired, and I've got work tonight as well. I'm getting used to it though, and I'm making less mistakes. It's all good.
It's getting so hot and sticky these days. It's doing horrible wonders to my appetite too. I don't feel like eating much these days, even when I'm hungry! I look at food, (esp. if it's a soup, or it's a hot dish) and believe it or not, feel tired--just by looking at it! It's insane! I have a feeling I'll be losing some weight...heh heh! There exceptions to this though. For example, if it were an avocado salad, or mixed nuts, or a chilled fruit salad, or chicken salad, I'll be up to eating it. Other then that though, food tires me.
I'm wondering if I should change my hair style. Maybe cut it short? Maybe grow it out super long and perm it straight? Cut a new style of bangs? I'm not so sure, but I want a new look. We'll see what I'll end up doing. Oh, but I'm positive about getting contact lenses. Glasses are such, such a bore!
Will write more later

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work, life, this 'n that. |
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Is tiring and there's a lot that I need to get used to. I know I don't work long hours or anything, but just the fact that I'm working during the time that I unwind and start getting ready for well-deserved sleep, (9-12pm) is difficult. My boss isn't the stressed and stretched type though, and that's good. He's actually quite funny, which is really good. Angry, unpleasant people, who act like they've got sticks up their hiny are very near the top of my I-don't-like list. Anyhow, good thing my boss isn't like that, and most of my co-workers are friendly and don't bite. Of course, this could be because I'm new and all, but I hope not. My costume could stand some improvements. It's so not cool. So, so not cool.
August Rush was movie that I simply LOVED! It's brilliant, and if you haven't watched it yet, than rent it NOW, or download it NOW, or if by any chance it's in the cinemas, than go watch it NOW!! (In any of the above situations, don't forget your pop-corn! Pop-corn happens to be the life of every film.)
I watched a slightly boring movie recently as well by the name of Australia, staring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. Being that both of them are so talented in acting, I was expecting more of the movie, but honestly, I ended up turning it off half way through, and i don't intend on finishing it either. I assume it's partly because there was no pop-corn, and also because I was already a bit sleepy when I started the movie, but either way, it could have been much, much better. The style of the movie didn't appeal to me.
Pink Panthar part 2 was another movie I just loved, and there wasn't any pop-corn either! I had such a good time laughing that I probably couldn't have cared less for pop-corn if it was served! I heard that part 1 wasn't so cool, and so I didn't bother to watch it. So just in case you got turned off by part 1, don't let that scare you away from part 2, because I hear a lot of people saying that it was a marked improvement part1. Just watch it!
I'm still on the sugar and alcohol fast, and I feel alive! I also started exercising and walking more too, and I feel more energetic compared to when I was lazing around all day. I think it's especially important that I keep my health a priority since I need my body to keep going till later hours. And besides, I'm only 18. My body should be capable of so much more!
I walked an hour yesturday to the nearest mall and was horrified to see that they were doing a 20~70% off sale! Horrified because I don't have any money right now!! Argh! It was pure pain as I walked up and down the hall ways of the mall checking out the super-cool clothes and adorable nick-nacks. Whaa!
I'm so tired in the evenings these days. I'll blame it all on the disturbance to my equilibrium by my late shifts. My body is adjusting at a snail pase. Hurry up!!
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Tomorrow is my nieces very 1st Birthday, and I'll be baking her very 1st Birthday cake! I also drew a picture of her, but that's more for the parents, Dawn and Yasu, than for her. I hope they like it. I'll be posting it soon on my art blog, so stay tuned.
Anyway, we all know that I got a job at the sushi place, right? I'll be starting work there this Sunday, and that's good news for me. My boss is also a very friendly dude, and he's easy to communicate with. I hate those people who act like they have a stick up there hiny. They look and act constipated, and it's nothing pleasant.
Recently, I can't sleep so well at night because of mosquitoes and the heat. It's soooo annoying! The other night, I didn't even get a wink of sleep. I watched the needles of my watch telling me that it is now 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM,.....7 AM! All for those annoying bugs. I wish they'd go instinct or something.
I LOVE pop-corn! I love pop-corn so much, that it's a threat to my health! I think I'll go on a little pop-corn fast along with my sugar and alcohol fast. I will do me good.
And that's about it for an update on my life. Will post more later.