Woah! My absence is embarassing!! How long has it been since I last posted? Like,...3 monthes... or (God forbid) even more?! Whew. Well, I was never good at writing, and I was never known for my ability to stick to a certain project for over 3 days. Shucks. I guess that's just me.
I guess I ought to pick up from where I left off, and that would be Disney Land.
It was epic! I was going to stick to my plan of locking up all the princesses and making Prince Charming all mine, but it was a "no-can-do" situation. Don't make me explain why! Haha!
I had loads of fun, and Prince Charming was hot! We ended the day by going to the cinema and watching "Prince Caspian" for the first time! I'm not gonna lie, I liked it!
So that's that! I'll skip back to the presant and leave the gap of 3 months for you all to fill up with your wild imaginations. (Just minus anything to do with the L word)
I just recently had 2 days of tests for my high-school education. VERY difficult! Not that I didn't study hard,...I did! But I wasn't expecting the tests to be that difficult! Wish me all the luck in the world, all! I'm gunna need it!