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Por: Eyeliner

It’s strange how when it’s all hot and sticky in the summer, you just can’t wait for autumn. And when it’s freezing cold in the winter and your fingers and toes turn unnatural shades of blue and purple, you just can’t wait for spring. But you never really wish for summer or winter during spring and autumn…
At least that’s how I am. I don’t care much for summer or winter. It’s all about autumn and spring! Andbetween autumn and spring, I’d chose autumn! I absolutely LOVE the warm colors of autumn. The temperature is perfect, and it’s definitely more of a “lovers season” then spring. Why? Because it’s just about getting cold, and that’s when a cuddle is more then welcome! It’s when your hands need to be warmed by another set of hands. It’s when your chapped lips need extra moisture…etc. etc. etc. You get the point, I’m sure.
All you couples must feel awful smug! Well good for you. I’m happily single, so who cares?! But man…I really need a cuddle now… sniff sniff.
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