I'll be visiting a friends place for around 2 weeks, so that means no blogging for a while. (Not that I blog too often these days.) I'll work on that once I'm back, but for now, it's bye bye bye. (Oh, gawd.)
Oh, and I just wanted to let you know that I've got frost bites all over my poor toes. It hurts pretty bad and my toes look rather deformed. I was planning on taking a picture and posting it here, but after taking my socks off and having another good look, I changed my mind. Far too embarssing. But who needs a pic from me when you have the internet?
Oh, and Christopher,...I'm not so sure if you read my recent-older posts or not, but if you wanna contact me, it's all about skype! My Yahoo is kinda messed up at the moment. I'll probably be on skype over at my friend's place. I'd love to chat! ;)

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Heya, 2009! |
It's 2009, world! So let's welcome it with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. It's been an exciting, and totaly weird year, and I hope it's been that and much more for all of you. I also hope and pray that 2009 will be far better then the previous! I wish I had done something super special on New Year's Eve, like doing the countdown with a Super Hottie, and partying and drinking and the like, but we kept it quite simple. Y and I had ice-cream with oreos and watched a movie. "The Nanny Diaries". And I SO loved it! I cried so much when Grayer runs after the car and cries, "Nanny, don't go!" That movie is epic. It's funny, sad, witty, and has a cutie in it. A definite Must-See! I can also relate as I baby-sit and "nanny" on occasion. I didn't like it much at first, but one time when I was reading a story book to some 4~7 year olds, they started fighting over who could sit on my lap, and that's when I fell in love with kids. (Most kids, anyway.) You feel really, really special when a little child comes up to you and says how much they love and need you. They get fussy at times and can be such headaches, but I find it challenging to gain their trust little by little, and they're also so DAMN ADORABLE!
Anyways, speaking of movies and "adorable", I watched "Princess Bride" for the first time yesterday and it was such a belly buster! I couldn't stop laughing for the longest time. Also, the guy that stars in it, ( I forget the name) is SO FREAKIN ADORABLE/HOT! I usually don't go for blonds and blue eyes, but damn! He is an exception!! Yeah, yeah, I know I sound like a freak now. He's such a goof ball. But then again, I like Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson... It is to be expected. Oh, but don't get me wrong, I may like goofy weirdos, but Jim Carry is so NOT in the list. Anywhere. Whatever. Totally off topic here.
So, yes. 2009, please bring me lots of happy and joyous moments. I'm counting on you! Don't disappoint me! And now that I'm rather tired after watching LOTR1 for the very first time, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired. Good night.