Uhuh, uhuh, life's like this.
Life's like what? It's like THIS!!!
Work Life:
Work is great and it sucks at the same time. Dunno how it works exactly, but that's how it is right now, and no use asking questions, don't you think? Hm. Okay, let me try to explain. What's great about work is that I'm getting much more used to the routine of things and I'm able to move through the schedule faster than before. This is good because not only does it get us all back home faster, but people stop bugging you about this and that and are you doing it right or aren't yous? The "sucks" part is when we're short staffed, and there's way too many customers. The other day there was only me and another co-worker taking care of the floor and hall area during a "peak" and it was absolutely insane and hectic. Good thing that this particular co-worker I worked with is one of my very favorites. He's nothing hot or good looking, but he's got a winner personality that's positive and outgoing and is fast and efficient. Just what I need at the late hour of 9-12pm. One more thing that "sucks" about work is that it has succeeded in throwing my body clock off completely. I get home at around 1:00 AM, and I usually take an hour to take a shower, and
wind down for bed. That's not the problem though. The problem is by the time it's 2:00 AM, I'm wide awake and sleep is the last thing my body and mind are up to. I think it's insomnia yet again. It's all mental though. I think I might have tried to sort the "insomnia is all in the mind" business in a previous post, so I'm not gunna go through that again, but either way, I've been scraping by with 1 to 2 hours of sleep these past 3 weeks, and when I get 3 hours of sleep, I'm lucky. It would be a different story if I was the napping kind, but as fate has it, I'm no
t. I can doze for 30 minutes, but sleep is almost impossible. My body is definitely feeling the strain, and I need some super-strong sleeping pills like NOW~!
It was nice when one Lixy picked me up from work and walked me back home over some drinks. I don't mind the 30 minute walk back home by myself, but it only so happens to be Adachi-ku where apparently crime is known to be rampant, so I'm thankful enough for the company. I haven't had any alcohol for 2 months, so although it was only a short cocktail that I drank, I felt it...slightly.Personal, Family, Home Life:
*My older sis visited me the other day. She was a whole shade darker. Looked like she's been working on her tan faithfully. My first words to her after seeing her were the obvious:
"Long-time-no-see! Woah, look at your tan! Not bad, I must say."
Her first words were:
"You lost weight!"
So I guess I did, since I'm getting that a lot these days. Whatever. It's really whatever. But for all those of you who are trying to get your bikini bodies and to be able to fit into your summer dresses and mini shorts, the secret is to drink lots of water, stick to your diet (it could be any diet really) for 2 weeks and over, and you'll get noticeable results. It's no big secret and it's nothing new, but it works.
*Pilates and Hip Hop Abs are my new exercise obsessions. They're helping me along the lines of looking how an 18 year old ought to, and keeping all the ice-creams and chocolates I want to eat from sticking around my midsection, etc.
*4th floor is looking WAY cool! All the handymen that are helping us out with the renovation deserve 10 brownie points and then some! My hat goes off again and again to every one of the workers.
*My Mom's dieting. And progress is being made! 3 cheers for her!
*It's a month till the long awaited Youth Training Camp/Academy that will last for a whole freakin month. I don't know if I should be excited about it or whether i should be dreading even the thought of it as I've never been to one of this length before. So, I'm trying to do a little bit of both. It's not working. The age old fear of whether I'll fit in or not, whether they'll be a guy I like or not, whether I'll be able to take the "training" or not are racing through my mind.
*Shiro and Marie came over and we all watched "Blades of Glory" over chocolate and a custard pie I made. I had so much fun I thought for a moment that I had died and gone to Heaven or something. If you're up to a comedy that you can bust your belly over with some friends and snacks and you don't find gays offensive, than this one is THE movie to watch. Don't delay and get to it now!
*Took some photos with Ken a few weeks back. (They would be the ones you're seeing everywhere throughout this post. )
The Parker Palm Springs
3 years ago
Finally a new post, I see you've been busy but still :c
Anyway, are you saving any money or just spending it all?
I'm really excitet about visiting you :)
I miss our chats...
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