To C:
My deepest apologies for my absence. I know being busy is no excuse for deserting friends, so I'm not even going there. I've got nothing else to say but that I'm sorry for not being as faithful a friend that I could have been. Therefore I've just finished making a commitment to blog more frequently, when a slight problem came up, and that's that my laptop has decided to be rebellious on me and refuses to turn on. A.K.A. it's broken. It needs to read a good "self-help" book just about now and get over whatever it's fussing over, because life without a laptop is absolutely inconvenient. I not only use my laptop for blogging, but I listen to music off of it, I watch movies to kill the time at night that I can't sleep, I occasionally chat a few friends, I read novels, and store pictures and art work, and write tid-bits of my life on Word! My Mom will probably give me her old laptop though which isn't too bad. In fact, it's not bad at all as she will have it fixed up before giving it to me. What a sweet-heart!
Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you that I haven't forgotten about you and all my other friends for that matter. I haven't forgotten about your visit next year either. In fact I was just talking about that the other day with my sister in law. We were talking about some hang-outs we could organize, some movies that would be fun to watch, and other Homes we could visit together etc. Nope, I definitely haven't forgotten about your visit. I have sorta forgotten about this blog though. heh, heh.
About work: I'm quitting! I've had enough of my lazy-ass boss! He's always drinking or eating something during the last hour when I'm most thirsty and/or hungry, and I have to see him drink that soda, eat that cup-noodle, and kick off his shoes and relax in a chair!
But this is not why I'm quitting, of course. I think there are several reasons as to why I've decided to quit, but to name a few, there's my insomnia, the fact that the Home needs me, and also because I might be able to get a job with a better pay. I actually happen to like my boss the way he is. Like I've said before, I don't go too well with serious people. I need people that know how to be themselves. My boss fits that definition perfectly.
Okay, well, being that it's late, and that my brain doesn't function half as prettily as it usually does during this hour, I will wrap things up and try to blog later on. I miss you, and I'm probably looking forward to your visit just as much as you are!
Hugs and love,
The Parker Palm Springs
3 years ago
No worries, I've figured you were busy. I'm really really looking forward to my visit, I'm just hoping I will still be able to save enough money. Hugs & Kisses.
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