Yuriko: "Eiko, I want to draw you!!"
Eiko: "No ways! I'm honored! Okay, which picture do you want to draw?"
Yuriko: "None of the ones you have. Those are junky. Let's take new pictures of you and draw those!"
Eiko: "Fine by me."
Yuriko: "It's going to be epic!"
Eiko: "I don't doubt you."
So, we took a ton of pictures and immediately after, Yuriko began to sketch away. But a problem arose: my face. Apparently I've got a ridiculously difficult face to draw. So difficult to draw, in fact, that Yuriko changed her mind about drawing me. Humph!
But Yuriko is not one who gives up easily, and she decided to give it another go. This time, she got me and one of my sisters (akari) to model for a soon-to-be masterpiece on her art board. We got all dressed up, and as soon as the pictures were taken, Yuriko go right to it and began sketching,...and sketching... and sketching...
I can't wait to see the finished product!

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snap and sketch! |
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Leaving |
You might have read about it on Yuriko's blog, but just in case you haven't, I'll announce it here: we are indeed moving!
There are card board boxes and garbage bags everywhere! We're boxing up our summer clothes and purging through our stuff and getting rid of junk. It's amazing how much garbage one room can hold! Yuriko and I just finished an hour of purging through our personal stuff, and within just 1 hour, we had 2 garbage bags full of complete, no-questions-asked garbage! I estimate 10 full garbage bags of junk by the end of our packing escapades! It's insane.
It's also going to be so weird living with just my family, and only 8 of us all together. I'm so used to being in Homes with over 20 people, so this is going to take a while to get used to. But it's a nice house, cozy and cute. We will be bringing our stuff over to the new house next Tuesday. I'll take pictures of the place then, and will post them here. Until then, there's a hell of a lot more packing, purging and junking to do, so ta ta ta!
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milk shakes and pizza |
"The Time Traveler's Wife"
is epic!
Yuriko and I watched it just last night over some cheesy bread pastries we made, and I was on the verge of tears! It's a beautiful, tragic, romance, and if your feeling emo, or you're PMSing, or you're missing someone special, THIS is the movie to watch!
Recently, I've been getting into making smoothies, milk shakes with our blender. We always have a lot of bananas and we tend to let them rot before it gets to our mouths, so I freeze a bunch of them, and blend them up with new and interesting ingredients that I find in the kitchen.
My favorite now is this one:
*1 frozen banana
*1 cup of milk
*1 drop of vanilla essence
*1 tsp of instant coffee
*1 dash of cinammon
Throw all the ingredients above in your blender, and blend! It's way too easy for how addicting it tastes!
Yuriko's favorite would be:
*2 frozen bananas
*1 cup of milk
*a few packs of cocoa drink sticks
*4 ice cubes
Once again, thrown into the blender, and blend! It's a slice of Heaven, fit for a god! You'll love it!
Oh, and the other night, Yuriko and I made pizza! Although slightly delinquent, it was definitely edible, and the family gobbled it up in seconds. Either they were insanely hungry, or it actually tasted good. Whatever. The point is that we made the crust and pizza sauce from scratch, and that the finished product resembled a pizza... applause?
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Hiki's visitng! |
Wooohooo! My super-cool brother is visiting all the way from Taiwan with his wife and child! This is great news and worthy of a celebration. I think we're planning a 'lil hang out with a movie this evening which ought to be some fun.
So that's the awesome news.
But there's more.
Life is hitting us all in the face with 'change', and not just a bit of it, but a ton. The Home that I've been living in and have grown found of is changing. Members that I've lived and worked with are saying their good byes, and everything is moving WAY.TOO.FAST! But alas, the breaks are broken, and we'll just have to learn to love the ride.
It's good change though.
And y'all, my sweetie-pie Yuriko just created her umpteenth blog, so check out "Jason Kills a Butterfly"!
Well, it's free night, and I crave a super good movie and a bowl of mixed nuts right about now!
'Lil sis Akari and me.
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I <3 Hinder |
I just wanted to announce my new favorite band: Hinder
Naturally, Yuriko was the one that introduced me to the band, and I practically FELL-IN-LOVE with his god-like voice! The first song I listened to by Hinder was "Lips of an Angel", and so far it's my favorite! By the singer's voice, I imagined an older dude with greying hair and a growing beer belly, but I was pleasantly surprised to see a complete, 100% hottie when I You-Tubed his band! He's got a voice of a god, definitely to-die-for!
I'm not so much into his loud songs, I'm more for the slower ones, but still...that voice is so addicting!
Okay, other than my obsession with Hinder, I'm still digging the TV series "Bones" starring the fantastic David Boreanaz! I'm such a fan!
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I'm back! |
It's been one completely crazy month at the Academy for me, and I must say that every moment working at Kappa zushi was worth the amount of fun and fellowship I had during that one month. I was able to have a happy reunion with old friends, some who I haven't been in contact with for years, and also meet some brand new faces. There were the tough moments too, don't get me wrong. One of the things I didn't like so much was having to sit in class for 6 hours. The classes were lively and full of movie clips, audios, and hilarious skits, but my concentration span is shorter than normal humans, and therefore, after 30 minutes into the class, I would fighting to keep my eyes open. I'm so bad.
But despite my lazy nature, I was able to learn many new, cool things, and like I said earlier, I don't regret going. My younger siblings were hoping that I'd find someone "special", and I thought that was sweetest thing they could hope for, but honestly...fat chance. Not that the guys there were losers. Far from it! The guys there were good-looking, and a lot of them had charm and A+ personalities. But I knew most of them for almost my whole life, and besides that, I go for maturity, often found in older guys. (The staff, for example. LOL!)
But I met many cool individuals that I love so much now! I hope we'll be able to meet again! But, gosh, it's good to be home. Quite a few of the attendees were dreading the thought of home, but for me, home wasn't such a horrible thought. Sure, I didn't really want the Academy to end, but I didn't mind the thought of Home. I love my family. Life is so damn good!
Well, it's crazy, but I'll be going on vacation tomorrow, and will get back in a week. I'll be uploading pictures in a week or so.
Much love, me!!
Group shot of the attendees. I'm the one in the middle with black skirt and the withe shirt on. Can't you tell?
A fun day at the beach! We had a barbecue with no beer! Unbelievable, but funner than I thought it would be.
AFter some meditation outside.
Photoshoot with lil sis.