Dad did it again.
Springing things on me at the last moment and expecting me to be all chill about it. Well, the fact is that I usually am quite chill about life, even though living with a visionary and revolutionist like my Dad assures a life that is anything but ordinary and monotonous.
What Dad sprung on me just a few hours ago was that I'll be with the team that will be going to the new house tomorrow to scrub things up a bit more, and mainly to cook the meals. Being that there is still no food over there, I had to do a whole lot of meal planning and meal prep just a few hours before mid night. It may not sound like such a big deal to you, but to me, being in the kitchen is absolutely draining. But if I must be the one cooking the meals, then I like being informed that I'll be working in the kitchen in advance so I have ample time to plan the meals and cook them well, and mainly to mentaly prepare myself.
Fortunately, I will only be cooking for 5 people over there. It's a piece of cake compared to cooking for over 20!! Goodness!
Food plan for mini trip to new house:
Day 1
Lunch: Sandwiches
Snack: Cookies, cake
Dinner: Pasta, fruit salad
Day 2
Breakfast: Whole wheat pan cakes, bananas
Lunch: Yakisoba, fruit salad
I'll post pics once I come back. Pray I don't forget Mom's camera!!
Ta-ta for now!

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Argh!!! |
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Niteru kedo CHIGAU!! |
"Eiko, if you sleep now, I'll be very angry." Yuriko exclaimed from her favorite seat, which is situated directly in front of her sturdy desktop.
"Yuriko, you have no idea how tired I am" I said, my eyes closed tight against the orange light of our room and my body already curling up under my covers.
Next thing I knew, my covers were being pulled off from over me in a violent manner by a very violent looking Yuriko.
"Eiko, I'm serious. If you sleep now, I'll be very, VERY angry!!"
Yeah, sure, it was 8:30 pm, but when a girl is tired, she's nothing but TIRED!
Well, in order to keep me awake, Yuriko said she'd give me a make over. I agreed to this since Yuriko gave me the OK to lay down while she applied make up on me. The goal of this make-over sessions was to make me look as much like her by adopting her make-up and clothing style. Unfortunately, I think we failed miserably. I definitely looked different with Yuriko's professional making-over skills, but Yuri and I, despite being sisters, just DON'T LOOK ALIKE!! We don't!!
"Eiko, make 'my face',...the one I always make." she instructed behind Mom's digital.
"Huh? This face?" I gave imitating a 'Yuriko' look the best I could.
"No, that's 100% YOUR face!" Yuriko rolled her eyes.
But that's just the WAS and IS my face 100%! Not much you could do about that. Sigh. Another problem is da boobs. A very SERIOUS problem.
But she did succeed in making me look much better, and also in keeping me awake till 11:30--both a feat worthy of an applause!
I don't know how you did it, sis.
You are amAzing!
A few pics that we took. The hat, jacket and cigs are hers.
Doesn't it surprise you that ppl would mistake us to be TWINS? Not just sisters, but TWIN sisters? Shinjirarenai...
Percentage wise, the pic below was the closest we got to making me look like Yuriko. (Being that the percentage of my face is considerably small compared to the over all pic,... the hat, ...the jacket...definitely Yuri. Yup.The ones below are the farthest from looking like sis. I don't even have her super cool hat and jacket on!
I am now further convinced that God knew exactly what He was doing when He made Yuri and I look so different. I mean, imagine the naughty tricks we could play on unsuspecting victims if we looked alike. We would use our similiar looks fully to our advantage... oh no...
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Brian Joubert is HOT! |
This guy,...he skates like a god, and he LOOKS like one too! His charm and amazing performances have taken my breath away!
I mean, I had every intentions of cheering my fellow Japanese for the gold medal, but after seeing Brian skate, I changed my vote! I mean, I don't want anyone else to win the gold medal then Brian Joubert!!
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Christmas! |
I know it's kinda early to be blogging about Christmas, but Christmas time always passes way too quickly anyway, so I might as well start celebrating it right about now.
In honor of Christmas, I read some heart warming Christmas stories to the teens over a special breakfast of hot chocolate, cookies and pancakes I had made especially for the occasion. We also listened to a few Christmas songs which made it seem very odd that it wasn't snowing outside. It was a very fuzzy-wuzzy, fun morning we all had.
I LOVE Christmas time! Nothing beats the hot-chocolate, the decoratiosn, the Christmas charols, the presents, the laughter, the egg nog, and all the LOVE that's going around!
Christmas ROCKS!
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today... |
Man, it's cold!
The temperature dropped 10 degrees from yesterday, and they say it's going to be even colder tomorrow! Perfect! Let's all give a round of applause to winter, and let her feel welcome!
Little tid bits from today
*I baked a shoofly pie for the first time, and I swear, I'm in love!!
*I also made a cream stew for dinner, and I felt very accomplished when there was no left overs.
*I watched Hary Potter for the first time in my life with Yuriko, and I felt like a nerdy 8 year old.
*I woke up extra early to do a pilates work out. Pilates and power walking is my new work out fetish.
*I was extremely stupid and drank a cup of thick coffee after dinner.
*I have started 3 new art projects which have the potential to be amazing, but which I probably will never finish. I also agreed to do a drawing for a couple's 2nd Anniversary present. I swear, I'm losing my marbles!
*I want to go spend a whole day out at Shinjuku with Yuriko!! And this has absolutely nothing to do with what I did today. I've just been wanting to do this for EVER!
And I need to be off to bed, whether I can sleep or not. We're going over to the new house tomorrow, and it's going to be a big day!! Woo hoo!