I know this is one day late, but I couldn't get online yesturday...
But I'm wishing you the best this comming year, and I hope that your wildest dreams come true. Stay your cool self, okay? I love you!!

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Happy Birthday M!! |
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Hanamiiii |
In Japan, Hanami season begins right about now, and Japanese young and old find themselves eating sushi and other goodies, chilling with co-workers, friends and family, (and sometimes complete strangers), getting piss drunk and doing things that they regret under the pink, cute little cherry blossoms. This is the month I was born in.
Well, I'm not gunna lie, I love Hanami, and I'm planning on "hanami" with Y when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Nothing too big though. We'll probably just go down to the convenient store across the road, buy some sushi and beer, and go to the nearest sakura tree and party, but it's definitely better then nothing, and "nothing" is what I've been doing these past 2 years for Hanami time. So, I'm determined on partying, and partying good and hard this year! 'Cuz I personally think that 18 is a special year and I'm gunna treat it as such by living it to it's fullest. And you simply cannot live a year to it's fullest unless you celebrate under the cherry blossoms and get drunk with all the other Japanese folks, as idiotic as it may sound.
Anyways, the pic is of me on my 18th Birthday party. I think my bangs need a little trim. Hermmm.
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Ooooohps! |
So yeah, I was board. I didn't like that feeling. I did want to drink though, but I didn't want to go out and buy anything either. Then Y tells me that Mom had a bottle of Brandy. Then I knew what I wanted to do that night.
I ended up drinking over half of the bottle of Brandy on an empty stomach, and I also finished off the bottle of Bailys that Y had given me for Birthday. Then I got really talkative. Even more then I orginaly am. Then when I was trying to change into my PJ's, and couldn't get my foot into my shorts, I knew I was a bit drunk.
And then I woke up the next morning not knowing where I was. Y was sleeping next to me looking rather concerned. I said soemthing like, "Where the hell am I?" And then I rememberd everything. Well, not really. I rememberd why I was where I was though. I had drunken way too much. But yeah, that was about all I rememberd. I didn't remember throwing up 3 times, or mistaking my brother for this guy I just recently met. I didn't remember telling Y to shut up a million times when she wasn't saying anything at all. I didn't remember crying or laughing or using my brother's lap as a pillow. I didn't even remember my brother comming down stairs! I remember little bits here and there, but still,...not so much. I said quite a few embarassing things that Y filled me in later when I was suffering from a major hang over. I laughed and blushed and felt so, so stupid. I don't think I'll ever touch Brandy again ... for a while at least.
And no, I'm not depressed or anything. Just rather stupid. Hahaha!
Good experience though. i think every body ought to experience that at least once. Really!!
Well, that's it for now, I guess. I'll blog more later.
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A little bye bye |
Guess what Y got for my Birthday present? A bottle of Baileys! Now, I worship the ground she walks on! I love you, sis! Oh, and she also baked some chocolate cookies that simply melt in your mouth! They were fantastic! We should all pester her for the recipe. It's such a winner!!
Anywhoo, I'll be away for over a week, and will be unable to blog. So no need checking in for new posts! Love to all.
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It's snowing... |
...in Tokyo!
I must be dreaming. Since when does it snow in Tokyo? And it's not just snowing pathetic, almost-non-existent flakes, it's snowing big, fat, fluffy flakes! I take a little peek outside the window, and I rub my eyes and pinch my cheeks to make sure it's not just a figment of my imagination. It's not. This snow is for real! It just sucks that it had to snow now, during the month of twitterpation, instead of the month when Mr. Santa was suppose to come flying across the snow yelling, "Ho-ho!" I guess it doesn't really matter because I wasn't good enough for presents from Santa this year anyway.
But gosh, it's freezing! Just look at my poor, ugly, deformed toes! They're all frost-bitten, and pussed up out of proportion, and yucky tones of purple and grey. I really feel sorry for all those who have had glimpses of them, because I wouldn't be surprised if that was the cause of some horrible night-mare. My toes look awful. Not only do I have frost-bites, but I also have yucky scars from bast friction blisters that some stupid sandals caused me. My feet are also horribly calloused, and therefore, not only my toes, but my whole feet or a disgrace to nature. Sometimes I really feel like chopping my feet off. Definitely the most ugly part of my body.
Sigh... I need some strong booze to ease the depression that I feel right now. The ugliness of my toes...
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17 going on to 18 yada! |
"So, do you feel any different?"
Y asked for the 100th time.
"Nope. Why should I?"
I replied, also for the hundreth time.
"Cuz you're turning 18!"
"Umm...should I feel any different?"I ask...
"I dunno. You tell me. After all, you're the one turning 18."
Well, it's no secret. I dread my 18th Birhtday. Because belive it or not, I desperately want to stay 17 forever! 18 just sounds so big, with a load of responsibility ta boot. It's the year where Mom goes, "Hunny, you're 18 years old..." With a meaningful look and a extra-long-pause for effect. To me, 18 seems like the year where you're expected to grow out of all your "teeness" and start acting like adults.
I wanna stay in the safe zone, a.k.a 17....forever.
Not that I mind the presents... Just thought I'd add that. :)