In Japan, Hanami season begins right about now, and Japanese young and old find themselves eating sushi and other goodies, chilling with co-workers, friends and family, (and sometimes complete strangers), getting piss drunk and doing things that they regret under the pink, cute little cherry blossoms. This is the month I was born in.
Well, I'm not gunna lie, I love Hanami, and I'm planning on "hanami" with Y when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Nothing too big though. We'll probably just go down to the convenient store across the road, buy some sushi and beer, and go to the nearest sakura tree and party, but it's definitely better then nothing, and "nothing" is what I've been doing these past 2 years for Hanami time. So, I'm determined on partying, and partying good and hard this year! 'Cuz I personally think that 18 is a special year and I'm gunna treat it as such by living it to it's fullest. And you simply cannot live a year to it's fullest unless you celebrate under the cherry blossoms and get drunk with all the other Japanese folks, as idiotic as it may sound.
Anyways, the pic is of me on my 18th Birthday party. I think my bangs need a little trim. Hermmm.
The Parker Palm Springs
3 years ago
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