Will be away for a week, so don't expect any posts any time soon.
Loves to all!

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bye for a week |
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Him Again?! |
I just finished watching "The Count of Monte Cristo" for like the 10th time or so, without skipping through the boring parts. Like duh! There are no boring parts! That was one brilliant film!
But then a friend of mine got me very disturbed by sharing his opinion with me. He said that somebody else should have played the role of Edmon Dantes INSTEAD of my favorite actor, Jim Caviezel! But why on Earth did he say such a thing? I think he did an excellent job, no questions asked!
Or ... did he? Because according to my mean friend, I'm just biased.
"You're just biased, that's all! He really didn't do that great. Really." are his very own words.
Well...am I? Just biased, I mean.
I don't think so!
3 cheers for James Patric Caviezel!! Woooo hoooo!
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To Eat or Not to Eat? |
O.M.G, if you don’t literally drool when a tiramisu is in front of you, then you must be mental.
A good friend of mine made tiramisu today, and I helped myself to my stomachs content. Actually… a bit more then that. But damn! It was sooooo good! But while I was at my second helping, I could shake off my shoulder angel yelling in my ear how fattening Tiramisu is. It was a bit annoying as I wanted to enjoy myself guilt-free. But alas, girls in this day and age are cursed with an additional shoulder angel that is always nagging about calories. And you'd think one shoulder angel was enough to drive you nuts!
So, with my calorie-shoulder angel nagging me insane, and my shoulder demon pressing me for thirds, I was rather confused. I ended up looking up the calorie intake forTiramisu, and the numbers were outrageously discouraging!
Tiramisu (Ohama Steaks) has 420 calories, 34.0g of fat and 26.0g of carbs in each serving, 1/7 cake (4.2 oz).
What on earth are girls supose to do? Because most yummy things are high in calorie, and if girls aren't paper thin and totoally see-through, guys won't give them a second glance. And the ones that do are perverts. Right?
Tsk Tsk. What is this world comming to? It's not so fair in my opinion. No wonder we look a bit constipated at times.
That's why I think girls need to forget about all this calorie bleep, and totally murder our calorie-shoulder angel, and have a good time eating what we enjoy, from time to time. It's for sanity's sake! And for heck's sake, if you're gunna eat soemthing, eat it guilt-free! Enjoy every mouthful of sugar and fat!
Of course, I don't think letting everything go is so healthy. But letting go once every now and then definitely is. And guys should so give us a break sometimes. *rolls eyes*
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A 'lil sneak peak... |
A sneak peak of my newest art project has been uploaded on the sketch maniac! Check it out NOW!! :)
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Sleep Paraysis |
It's down right freaky! Serious! Anybody else who's experienced it before would agree with me. The feeling of suffocation, the heavy weight on the chest, not being able to move, the horrible buzzing and ringing in the ears, the feeling that something ugly and sinister is watching me, the occasional yucky visions, and the sense of utter danger makes me feel that I might actually belong in a mental hospital!!
And for those of you who are lucky enough to not know what the bleep I'm talking bout, here's a short explanation.
Symptoms and Characteristics
Physiologically, sleep paralysis is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state, but the body paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "after which the individual may experience panic symptoms and the realization that the distorted perceptions were false". When there is an absence of narcolepsy, sleep paralysis is referred to as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP). "ISP appears to be far more common and recurrent among Blacks than among Whites or Nigerian Blacks",and is often referred to within Black communities as "the Devil on your back"
In addition, the paralysis state may be accompanied by terrifying hallucinations (hypnopompic or hypnagogic) and an acute sense of danger. Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual due to the vividness of such hallucinations. The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful, or dream-like, objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision. Some scientists have proposed this condition as an explanation for alien abductions and ghostly encounters. A study by Susan Blackmore and Marcus Cox of the University of the West of England supports the suggestion that reports of alien abductions are related to sleep paralysis rather than to temporal lobe lability.The above is from Wiki, but believe me, it's a whole lot more freaky then how it makes the real thing sound.
Here's how some people describe their experiences...
*I experience pressure on my chest.
*Feel that my whole body is being pulled, as by a magnet. Sometimes just my feet, or an arm; sometimes feel I am being pulled into the bed.
* I once thought I'd done a 360 degree turn in my bed, and once felt as if I were pulled out of the bed. I thought I was nuts.
*The unseen presence was the cause of the experience. It gives you the feeling of something really evil and it is always frightening . . . I never see this being . . . It felt like this thing wanted to kill me . . . My eyes are open during these experiences and it makes it more frightening because I cannot see what it is that is holding me down.
*I never feel like I can get enough breath.
* I tend to take quick shallow breaths.
*There were times I thought that I would die because I felt that I would never get my breath back. It is a horrible feeling.
* Sometimes it's very hard to breathe as if someone is sitting on my chest.
Freaky? Absolutely!
And it's not just the suffocating feeling that's freaky....it's also the sense of an evil spirit. It's not the easiest thing to describe, and sometimes when i try to describe these things to friends, and they haven't experienced sleep paralysis, they kinda look at me funny, as if I were slightly coo coo. Well, I must admit, it sounds coo coo enough. But once you actually experience it, it's so real it's disturbing!
Here's something I read about it...
The presence associated with sleep presence may also be endowed with certain minimal "psychological" qualities such as that of attention. The presence is often somehow attending to, watching, or monitoring the subject. It is "as if someone that I couldn't see was there, watching." One of the most common comments about the SP experience is that "It feels as if someone is standing there watching me." Respondents are frequently puzzled that they are unable to specify how they know this or even where precisely they think the presence is located. "You feel that someone is looking at you and you don't know where they specifically are." Aside from being very disconcerting this must certainly contribute to

The sensed presence may form the core of subsequent hallucinations involving several modalities. The sensed presence may form the core of subsequent hallucinations involving several modalities. Although very few people actually make the suggestion spontaneously, one respondent was quite specific about the transformation. "The unseen presence starts to emerge as a formed being." Since the presence is usually perceived of as threatening, the interpretation is usually of a presumably readily available innate, "prepared," or conventional image of image of something mysterious and threatening.
Woah! Don't I hate SP or what?! God forbid!! *shudder*
Apparently, I experience pretty mild SP. I know some people who actually feel claw-like-things around their necks, they hear voices, they see visions and other ew-ness. I've been junking the naps, and sleeping on my back, and the staying up late for a while, and thankfully haven't experienced SP for a while. I hope it stays this way.
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I think the top 2 foods that foreigners in Japan can't seem to stomach so well is
Natto(fermented beans)...
...and Sashimi(raw fish).
Neither may sound too appetizing to all you gaijins, but I love both, and most Japanese will agree with me that they taste fabulous!
And OMG!
While I was browsing for pictures of natto, I stumbled across THIS!!!
As much as I love Natto, this is taking "love for natto" way too far! Whoever came up with the idea of putting natto in a McDonalds hamburger has got to have perverted taste buds! Ew!! The slime of natto and bread simply don't match! Ew, ew, ew!!! Puke!
Okay. I calmed down. Well, back to the subject of natto and shashimi being difficult to eat,...well, what's your problem? The slime may seem unappealing to you, but it's the slime of natto that makes it so fantastic! It's the rotting smell of beans that's suppose to stir your appetite! It's the rawness of sashimi that compliments sushi rice so much!! I think it's all in the mind that makes you go "ew". So, step #1 is to junk your mindset about it. Once you start thinking more positively about it, you'll be able to graduate from simply thinking positively about it, to actually putting it in your mouth. And from there, you slowly graduate from plugging your nose and making faces to saying thigs like, "yum". It's a step by step progress, and anyone can do it! And besides, it's healthy! Weren't we all gaa-gaa, rah-rah for health foods? Well, these are the foods you're looking for! Go for it!
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More New Art Work!! |
Yup, yup! There's even more! So, if you're not board of my artwork,r then check my other blog out for the goodies. I'll be a bit more faithful with my art blog from now on, and will be posting a lot moe regularly, so go ahead and check it out.
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Chocolate Cake for Bums |
This is THE cake to make when you're having a chocolate cake craving. The recipe is so easy that even a 3 year old could come out with perfect results! I may be exagerating, but I'm only exagerating a tiny, little bit. The cake will be moist and chocolaty and you'll love me for giving you this recipe! Try it!
*2 cups white sugar
*3 cups flour
*2 tsp Baking Soda
*2/1 tsp salt
*2/1 cups unsweetened cocoa
*2 cups wter
*1 cup vegetable oil
*2 tbs white vinegar
*1 tsp vanilla extrat
1.Combine all the dry ingredients in one bowl.
2.Combine all the wet ingredients in another bowl.
3.Dump the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix.
4.Pour the batter into a greesed and floured baking pan and bake for like.... 30 min?
And you have it!! Now, the original recipe doesn't call for any eggs, but I personally suggest that you add one or two, cuz the cake tends to crumble a bit if you don't. Happy baking, y'all!
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I'm dead tired. |
Although we were only at Disney Sea from 6 to 10, we were wiped after running around for those 4 hours straight, trying to fit in as many rides as we could! It was fun, it was beautiful, and way too exciting for pictures! But here are the rare few anyway!
Mom and Dad all lovy-dovy as they stroll down the walk ways of the Arabian Cost!
Youngest sis Ponny
Dear Booya, our modern day Samson! Go, go go!!
Here's only half of the 12 of us, plus Dad and Mom. I hope that someday, we'll be able to go to Disney Sea all together.
Me and Booya and Chanbe!
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Off to Disney Sea! |
Are you jealous? Haha!
Wish me luck 'cuz it looks like rain. But rain or shine, we are so going. Rain didn't stop me and sis the last time we went to Disney Sea and we had a blast! Whoop whoop!
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New Art work! |
I've been doing a bit of artwork recently, and one of them is dedicated to Cassandra!!
C, please make sure she sees it!! And tell her I say hi. Oh, and hug her for me in the process!
Check it out!
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When you thought I wasn't looking... |
I was just about to write a post for Mother's day, but then I made a mistake by reading something my older brother wrote for Mom, which totally discouraged me from writing anything, cuz it simply couldn't be worded better! So, I'm gunna cheat, and post what he wrote here. I agree with him 100%! I love you, Mom!
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator and I immediately wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's alright to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking,
I looked at you and wanted to say, 'Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking.'
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I had a blog? |
I almost forgot I had a blog, and now as I sit in front of my laptop with my blog's dashboard out on my screen, I'm hit with the realization that I have nothing to really write about! It's no wonder I've been avoiding my blog. It's just another one of those things that I can't afford time for right now. I mean, seriously...I'm 18! 18 year olds are generally very busy people, and even more so when they're girls! Blogging is like on the bottom of my to-do list. Actually, it doesn't even make it to my to-do list. It's at the bottom of my hate-to-do list.
But since I like the idea of having a blog, and a place to rant and rave every now and then, I don't want to ditch my blog altogether just yet. So as a solution, I've decided to choose a day out of the week to blog, whether I'm up to it or not. I haven't yet decided which day that should be, but I'm working on that right now.
Ok, so I'll update us all on what will be happening presently, since writing about the past is so cliche.
As we all know so well, tomorrow is Children's Day, and to celebrate it, I'm gunna go get my hair cut with one of my younger sisiters. Those hair-cutting-people better do a good job! I mean, it's my hair they're cutting! Grr! *shakes fist*
There's also this wild talk about going to Disney Sea that I started, and hopefully I'll be able to talk everybody into wanting to go. If I succeed, they'll be pictures! Whoo hoo!
Y and I will presently start our Movie evening! There's no way that can go wrong. Oh, and by the way, if you're interested in what Amish teens do in their free time, check out the whole documentary on Youbube! It's quite interesting.
In fact, here is video #1 for those of you who are interested.
And O.M.G I ran out of things to blog about already! God forbid!