Him Again?!

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I just finished watching "The Count of Monte Cristo" for like the 10th time or so, without skipping through the boring parts. Like duh! There are no boring parts! That was one brilliant film!

But then a friend of mine got me very disturbed by sharing his opinion with me. He said that somebody else should have played the role of Edmon Dantes INSTEAD of my favorite actor, Jim Caviezel! But why on Earth did he say such a thing? I think he did an excellent job, no questions asked!

Or ... did he? Because according to my mean friend, I'm just biased.

"You're just biased, that's all! He really didn't do that great. Really." are his very own words.

Well...am I? Just biased, I mean.

I don't think so!

3 cheers for James Patric Caviezel!! Woooo hoooo!

