Guess what?
I had an interview today at the "スパゲッティ食堂', with Mr. Boss. I haven't felt so nervous in quite a while, and consequently, I started smiling like an idiot. Oh, well. It musn't be too bad.
Mr. Boss looks like he's in his late 30s, but is balding already. He's got a tiny frame, (even for a Japanese) and looks a bit stressed, but like he could be a sweeto. The whole atmosphere of the place was nice, and I hope they accept me. I'll find out next Sunday!! Oh, God, let it be!!!!

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I want my precioussssss! |
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Work |
I'm probably not going to work at McDonald's. Not that I don't want to or anything,...but I don't think they need more staff there at the moment. I actually went through all the trouble of filling out the paper for application, and glued a picture of myself on it, and gave it to one of the workers there,.... how could they not call me after so long? So, I naturally assumed that they don't need any more workers,....either that or the boss is a loser.
Anyhow, I'm being proactive and started job hunting. There are several places where I know they need more workers.
Here are a few:
A Family Restaurant that I enjoy eating at. It's a 15 minute walk from here, and I've contemplated working there before. I'm not so sure I wanna work at a Family Restaurant though.
*Treasure Factory
A Second Hand Shop that is only a 2 minute walk from my place. I like browsing through their clothe selection, which isn't so bad, but not entirely good either. I like the fact that I wouldn't have to re-dye my hair black if I were to work there.
A chain store restaurant for spaghetti, pasta and pizza, and is a decent 40 min walk from my place. I've eaten there only once, but it was pretty good, and right now, I'm thinking that that might be a fun place to work at... I'm not so sure though.
We have a rawmen shop nearby, and it always seems short-staffed, and they're always in need of more workers. It's an option, but I don't like the atmosphere of the place. It's kinda gloomy. I also think the smell of rawmen will drive me nuts! I like the taste of it, but having to smell it's wicked flavors all day is going to sicken me.
*Baby Sitting
Rich and spoiled gringos that don't have time for their children will drop them at our place, or we'll go to their place, and we watch them. The pay is not bad at all.
There are more places that are looking for workers, but I'm not looking forward to working at those places, so therefore, the above is where I'll chose from. We'll see where I'll end up working in a few days.
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Wolverine |
So last night, I got together with the young people in my home, and we watched Wolverine. I thought it was entertaining enough, but....a bit too much in some cases. I didn't particularly like it, although I didn't particularly dislike it. It's a "meh" movie. My brother was a bit more than disappointed though. I guess that's what happens when you expect too much from a movie series. It's rare that the 2nd and 3rd movie of a series turns out right. I'd give this one 6 stars out of 10.
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Hey, Christopher!! |
Here's some ideas of stuff to do when you come over!
*Go to Disney Sea
*Eat Sushi
*Attempt Natto
*Go on night walks
*Watch Movies
*Hit the Mall
*Visit the weirdos at Yoyogi
*Eat at a Japanese restaurant
*Eat McDonald's
*Learn more Japanese
*Get to know the ppl in my home
*Talk all night long
*Get Ken to make us Pasta and have an Italian Night or something...
*etc. etc. etc.
Any more ideas?
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My Art Blog Make Over! |
Just in case you thought that my art blog was dead, I wanted to remind you all here, that it so isn't! I just finished up the drawing for my friend's wedding, and I also completed it's new, spiffy make over! Check it out HERE!
If you're into art, I linked a few web pages of some of my fav artists, so you'll probably wanna browse around. ;)
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So, What do you think? |
Don't you just LOVE the new template and layout? The other one was giving me eye sores, so it had to go! This one's gotta be one of the best ones they've got out there! ;)
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The New Commitment |
Other than not eating anything at my new work place, (a.k.a McDonalds), I have made a commitment to stay away from ALL intoxicated drinks unless I'm planning on getting drunk. It may sound kind of stupid, but let me exlain.
I personaly think that drinking alcohol is a complete waste of calories unless it actually makes you get tipsy or drunk. So, for me, it takes 3 tall cans of beer to get me tipsy,...if there's only one can served at a party, then I won't drink it. Same goes with cochtails, chuuhai, wine, etc. If there's only one can, or one glass, or even two being served, then I'll have to say, "no thanks" according to my new commitment.'s not necessarily important to my happiness...(<--this is me trying to convince myself so. Heh, heh!) Yup. So, although this isn't a commitment for life, it's good enough for now. I hope the comic below isn't the case for me... LOL!
And here's something that totally made my day yesturday!
Mom was on the phone with Douglas' Mother yesturday.
WTH is Douglas?
Douglas is one of the 9 year old kids that was at the kids camp that I attended as staff just last month. Everybody said he was one of the most stubborn and disobedient kids out of all 33. I'd hear staff members complaining about him, and how difficult it was to get him to obey, etc. but to me, he was always the sweetheart! During games, he'd always want to be on my team, and during classes and devotions, he would always want to sit next to me. He'd always light up when he saw me, and he'd shower me with hugs and smiles! I didn't have any difficulty with getting him to obey instructions, so although this is a big "hush hush" to all the other kiddos, Douglas was by far, my very favorite boy there! When any child shows you that much attention, you've just gotta love 'em back! Kids are pathetic liars when it comes to who they like and dislike. If they don't like you, they aren't afraid to show it. But when they love you, it's equally visible! So when Douglas would always show so much happy emotions when I'd be with him and play with him, it just made me feel like I was on the top of the world! Anyhow, back to Mom talking on the phone with Douglas' Mom, here's what I heard from the one sided conversation:
"Hi, there! How are you doing? Oh, I'm fine,....much better thank you."
"No, really? Yes, yes....oh, how nice. Douglas? Ohhhh,....that's so sweet. She would be so happy to hear that!"
When I heard Douglas' name being mentioned, my eavesdroping skills went WAY up! But there wasn't much to eavesdrop on, sincne Mom hung up not too long after. But after hanging up, she came into my room to tell me that all Douglas' Mom would hear about on the trip home was how much he missed me already and that he wanted to see me again! I thought he'd forgotten about me already. But I guess he didn't.
Hey, Douglas, I know you don't read my blog, and if you do, I will instantly make this blog a private one where only those with a password will be able to check it, (Blogs simply aren't for 9 year old's eyes) but I wanted you to know that I love you, and that you made my day so many times at the camp when I felt low on energy, or when I didn't feel too isnpired about chasing all 33 kids around and raising my voice to be heard over 33 shouting kids, or when I only got 3 hours of sleep the night before. Thank you for the hugs, and for the smiles. I miss you more!
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It's not a nice feeling. Not at all. It's at times like this when I feel I wish I could change my sex to being a guy. It happens every month, but it's not something you can get used to, I guess. Just gotta grin and bear it.
I was just browsing a cook book for sandwhiches and my mouth sarted watering, and my stomach started shouting out, "FEED ME ONE OF THOSE NOW!!"
I want a bagel sandwhich with cottage cheese and salmon, with a slice of abogado, please!Yum, yum!!
But what I will probably be seeing more of this coming week is junk like this...
Yup. I'm gunna get a part time at McDonalds. I'll be applying today, and hopefully will start working there by next week. I've made a commitment not to eat any of their delicious evils though, and I'm planning on sticking to that commitment! McDonalds is pure junk. (Make that yummy junk. Heh, heh!) I don't wanna see any of those fries and burgers and Mcsoftcreams and Mcnuggets on my face. EVER!
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I like ear jewelery |
I'm super into earrings and studs!
I went to the mall the other day for a bit of window shopping, and as I browsed the jewelery section I just hung around stood infront of the ear jewelery for like EVER, just gaping at all the cute little studs and earrings! I wanna buy myself a huge collection of cute studs and earings...enough to open a shop!
Y hasn't opened any holes in her ear loabs yet, so I'm adding that to my goals for the year. That way, she can get into buying studs and/or earrings, and we can have a huge collection of ear jewelery together! Whoopie!
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Yup |
Today, I walked an hour to get to the nearest mall around with Y. Walking an hour to get there, browsing for 2 hours or so, and walking for another whole hour to get back really wiped us out. But being an 18 year old is an excellent excuse to do stupid things, and so after working on a sketch as a wedding present for a friend, I jumped into my work out clothes and started dancing around with Shawn T and his very happy, energetic crew. Before I knew it, I was drenched in sweat. I was literally a sweating machine. I am going to sleep so well tonight!
Anyway, just for the record, I actually enjoy working out. It's a good stress reliever. You should try it next time when your school is killing your brain cells, or if your co-workers are being female dogs, or when you have a bad hair day. Or, better yet, just work out and feel like your on the top of the world, and none of these things will really bother you so much. It works.
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Peace! |
Yesturday, Y and I took a nice, long night walk and I rediscovered the fact that I love night walks! Especially during this time when the temperature starts going up, and you don't really want to get all sweaty and stinky in the afternoons, night walks are THE answer! We are so going out tonight again!
There's only one slight problem. The crime rate in Japan is quite high where we live, and therefore, 2 girls going out after dark isn't the smartest idea. There's a police office that we pass when we go out, and it faithfully informs us of the numbers of crime committed the day before on a board. The numbers aren't pretty. So, what would be the solution? Take a guy with us? Probably. But since we're planning these walks to be frequent, I don't think I want to bother my married brother to tag along,...or my dad for that matter. 'Sides, girl talk is best accomplished when guy's aren't in earshot.
I guess we'll go without then and pray to God that our asses will be saved from any perverts and mentals.
But that aside, I think the crimes that happen in Japan are plain sick. Since guns aren't legal, when a Japanese goes "coo coo" they usually grab a knife (usually the kitchen knife) to relieve stress and frustration--on whoever is closest. Ew
Japanese are also pron to stress and many are workaholics, so going "coo coo" isn't too rare.
This world is so messed up.
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I hate blogging! |
There are days when I wonder, why on earth did I ever start blogging? And then I feel like I just want to delete the whole thing. Today is such a day. I stare at my blog with an emotionless face, heave a sigh, and shake my head from side to side as I tsk tsk myself.
I have nothing more to write about.
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12 things that she is. |
If I can ....
*Link arms with you
*Hold hands with you
*Kiss your cheek
*Cuddle with you in bed
*Laugh with you into the wee hours of the night
*Cry over stupid movies like Titanic with you and not be embarrassed
*Trust you with every secret I have
*Go through major depression and still be assured of your friendship and love
*Be comfortable in your silence
*Weep in front of you, knowing that you will be there to comfort me
*Laugh like a mad monkey infront of you
*And a few more things...ha ha
(regardless of your sex)
And still feel like I can be my self around you,
Then you have successfully taken the place of my present best friend.
But it's not going to happen. ;)
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Avril in color! |
Want the full unfinished view??? Check out The Sketch Maniac!