The New Commitment

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Other than not eating anything at my new work place, (a.k.a McDonalds), I have made a commitment to stay away from ALL intoxicated drinks unless I'm planning on getting drunk. It may sound kind of stupid, but let me exlain.
I personaly think that drinking alcohol is a complete waste of calories unless it actually makes you get tipsy or drunk. So, for me, it takes 3 tall cans of beer to get me tipsy,...if there's only one can served at a party, then I won't drink it. Same goes with cochtails, chuuhai, wine, etc. If there's only one can, or one glass, or even two being served, then I'll have to say, "no thanks" according to my new commitment.'s not necessarily important to my happiness...(<--this is me trying to convince myself so. Heh, heh!) Yup. So, although this isn't a commitment for life, it's good enough for now. I hope the comic below isn't the case for me... LOL!


And here's something that totally made my day yesturday!

Mom was on the phone with Douglas' Mother yesturday.

WTH is Douglas?

Douglas is one of the 9 year old kids that was at the kids camp that I attended as staff just last month. Everybody said he was one of the most stubborn and disobedient kids out of all 33. I'd hear staff members complaining about him, and how difficult it was to get him to obey, etc. but to me, he was always the sweetheart! During games, he'd always want to be on my team, and during classes and devotions, he would always want to sit next to me. He'd always light up when he saw me, and he'd shower me with hugs and smiles! I didn't have any difficulty with getting him to obey instructions, so although this is a big "hush hush" to all the other kiddos, Douglas was by far, my very favorite boy there! When any child shows you that much attention, you've just gotta love 'em back! Kids are pathetic liars when it comes to who they like and dislike. If they don't like you, they aren't afraid to show it. But when they love you, it's equally visible! So when Douglas would always show so much happy emotions when I'd be with him and play with him, it just made me feel like I was on the top of the world! Anyhow, back to Mom talking on the phone with Douglas' Mom, here's what I heard from the one sided conversation:

"Hi, there! How are you doing? Oh, I'm fine,....much better thank you."

"No, really? Yes, yes....oh, how nice. Douglas? Ohhhh,....that's so sweet. She would be so happy to hear that!"

When I heard Douglas' name being mentioned, my eavesdroping skills went WAY up! But there wasn't much to eavesdrop on, sincne Mom hung up not too long after. But after hanging up, she came into my room to tell me that all Douglas' Mom would hear about on the trip home was how much he missed me already and that he wanted to see me again! I thought he'd forgotten about me already. But I guess he didn't.

Hey, Douglas, I know you don't read my blog, and if you do, I will instantly make this blog a private one where only those with a password will be able to check it, (Blogs simply aren't for 9 year old's eyes) but I wanted you to know that I love you, and that you made my day so many times at the camp when I felt low on energy, or when I didn't feel too isnpired about chasing all 33 kids around and raising my voice to be heard over 33 shouting kids, or when I only got 3 hours of sleep the night before. Thank you for the hugs, and for the smiles. I miss you more!


M said...

Awwww...that is so sweet!
