12 things that she is.

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If I can ....

*Link arms with you
*Hold hands with you
*Kiss your cheek
*Cuddle with you in bed
*Laugh with you into the wee hours of the night
*Cry over stupid movies like Titanic with you and not be embarrassed
*Trust you with every secret I have
*Go through major depression and still be assured of your friendship and love
*Be comfortable in your silence
*Weep in front of you, knowing that you will be there to comfort me
*Laugh like a mad monkey infront of you
*And a few more things...ha ha

(regardless of your sex)

And still feel like I can be my self around you,

Then you have successfully taken the place of my present best friend.

But it's not going to happen. ;)


Hungry Girl said...

Pfffff. good luck in trying to find someone to take my place. LOL.;)

C said...

I'll give it a try, although I don't want to take anyones place. You can have more than one best friend you know =)

M said...

yeah really...who can take ur place Yuri? U are like Eiko's most needed thing...no?ahahha
