I like ear jewelery

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I'm super into earrings and studs!
I went to the mall the other day for a bit of window shopping, and as I browsed the jewelery section I just hung around stood infront of the ear jewelery for like EVER, just gaping at all the cute little studs and earrings! I wanna buy myself a huge collection of cute studs and earings...enough to open a shop!
Y hasn't opened any holes in her ear loabs yet, so I'm adding that to my goals for the year. That way, she can get into buying studs and/or earrings, and we can have a huge collection of ear jewelery together! Whoopie!


C said...

Oh oh oh, I want new earings and studs =D

I'll go shopping with you, promise!

Cassandra said...

I wanna come too!!!!

BladeMaster said...

did I pierce my ears first or did you?

Eyeliner said...

If my memory is correct, you did. :)
