Dad did it again.
Springing things on me at the last moment and expecting me to be all chill about it. Well, the fact is that I usually am quite chill about life, even though living with a visionary and revolutionist like my Dad assures a life that is anything but ordinary and monotonous.
What Dad sprung on me just a few hours ago was that I'll be with the team that will be going to the new house tomorrow to scrub things up a bit more, and mainly to cook the meals. Being that there is still no food over there, I had to do a whole lot of meal planning and meal prep just a few hours before mid night. It may not sound like such a big deal to you, but to me, being in the kitchen is absolutely draining. But if I must be the one cooking the meals, then I like being informed that I'll be working in the kitchen in advance so I have ample time to plan the meals and cook them well, and mainly to mentaly prepare myself.
Fortunately, I will only be cooking for 5 people over there. It's a piece of cake compared to cooking for over 20!! Goodness!
Food plan for mini trip to new house:
Day 1
Lunch: Sandwiches
Snack: Cookies, cake
Dinner: Pasta, fruit salad
Day 2
Breakfast: Whole wheat pan cakes, bananas
Lunch: Yakisoba, fruit salad
I'll post pics once I come back. Pray I don't forget Mom's camera!!
Ta-ta for now!

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Argh!!! |
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Niteru kedo CHIGAU!! |
"Eiko, if you sleep now, I'll be very angry." Yuriko exclaimed from her favorite seat, which is situated directly in front of her sturdy desktop.
"Yuriko, you have no idea how tired I am" I said, my eyes closed tight against the orange light of our room and my body already curling up under my covers.
Next thing I knew, my covers were being pulled off from over me in a violent manner by a very violent looking Yuriko.
"Eiko, I'm serious. If you sleep now, I'll be very, VERY angry!!"
Yeah, sure, it was 8:30 pm, but when a girl is tired, she's nothing but TIRED!
Well, in order to keep me awake, Yuriko said she'd give me a make over. I agreed to this since Yuriko gave me the OK to lay down while she applied make up on me. The goal of this make-over sessions was to make me look as much like her by adopting her make-up and clothing style. Unfortunately, I think we failed miserably. I definitely looked different with Yuriko's professional making-over skills, but Yuri and I, despite being sisters, just DON'T LOOK ALIKE!! We don't!!
"Eiko, make 'my face',...the one I always make." she instructed behind Mom's digital.
"Huh? This face?" I gave imitating a 'Yuriko' look the best I could.
"No, that's 100% YOUR face!" Yuriko rolled her eyes.
But that's just the WAS and IS my face 100%! Not much you could do about that. Sigh. Another problem is da boobs. A very SERIOUS problem.
But she did succeed in making me look much better, and also in keeping me awake till 11:30--both a feat worthy of an applause!
I don't know how you did it, sis.
You are amAzing!
A few pics that we took. The hat, jacket and cigs are hers.
Doesn't it surprise you that ppl would mistake us to be TWINS? Not just sisters, but TWIN sisters? Shinjirarenai...
Percentage wise, the pic below was the closest we got to making me look like Yuriko. (Being that the percentage of my face is considerably small compared to the over all pic,... the hat, ...the jacket...definitely Yuri. Yup.The ones below are the farthest from looking like sis. I don't even have her super cool hat and jacket on!
I am now further convinced that God knew exactly what He was doing when He made Yuri and I look so different. I mean, imagine the naughty tricks we could play on unsuspecting victims if we looked alike. We would use our similiar looks fully to our advantage... oh no...
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Brian Joubert is HOT! |
This guy,...he skates like a god, and he LOOKS like one too! His charm and amazing performances have taken my breath away!
I mean, I had every intentions of cheering my fellow Japanese for the gold medal, but after seeing Brian skate, I changed my vote! I mean, I don't want anyone else to win the gold medal then Brian Joubert!!
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Christmas! |
I know it's kinda early to be blogging about Christmas, but Christmas time always passes way too quickly anyway, so I might as well start celebrating it right about now.
In honor of Christmas, I read some heart warming Christmas stories to the teens over a special breakfast of hot chocolate, cookies and pancakes I had made especially for the occasion. We also listened to a few Christmas songs which made it seem very odd that it wasn't snowing outside. It was a very fuzzy-wuzzy, fun morning we all had.
I LOVE Christmas time! Nothing beats the hot-chocolate, the decoratiosn, the Christmas charols, the presents, the laughter, the egg nog, and all the LOVE that's going around!
Christmas ROCKS!
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today... |
Man, it's cold!
The temperature dropped 10 degrees from yesterday, and they say it's going to be even colder tomorrow! Perfect! Let's all give a round of applause to winter, and let her feel welcome!
Little tid bits from today
*I baked a shoofly pie for the first time, and I swear, I'm in love!!
*I also made a cream stew for dinner, and I felt very accomplished when there was no left overs.
*I watched Hary Potter for the first time in my life with Yuriko, and I felt like a nerdy 8 year old.
*I woke up extra early to do a pilates work out. Pilates and power walking is my new work out fetish.
*I was extremely stupid and drank a cup of thick coffee after dinner.
*I have started 3 new art projects which have the potential to be amazing, but which I probably will never finish. I also agreed to do a drawing for a couple's 2nd Anniversary present. I swear, I'm losing my marbles!
*I want to go spend a whole day out at Shinjuku with Yuriko!! And this has absolutely nothing to do with what I did today. I've just been wanting to do this for EVER!
And I need to be off to bed, whether I can sleep or not. We're going over to the new house tomorrow, and it's going to be a big day!! Woo hoo!
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snap and sketch! |
Yuriko: "Eiko, I want to draw you!!"
Eiko: "No ways! I'm honored! Okay, which picture do you want to draw?"
Yuriko: "None of the ones you have. Those are junky. Let's take new pictures of you and draw those!"
Eiko: "Fine by me."
Yuriko: "It's going to be epic!"
Eiko: "I don't doubt you."
So, we took a ton of pictures and immediately after, Yuriko began to sketch away. But a problem arose: my face. Apparently I've got a ridiculously difficult face to draw. So difficult to draw, in fact, that Yuriko changed her mind about drawing me. Humph!
But Yuriko is not one who gives up easily, and she decided to give it another go. This time, she got me and one of my sisters (akari) to model for a soon-to-be masterpiece on her art board. We got all dressed up, and as soon as the pictures were taken, Yuriko go right to it and began sketching,...and sketching... and sketching...
I can't wait to see the finished product!
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Leaving |
You might have read about it on Yuriko's blog, but just in case you haven't, I'll announce it here: we are indeed moving!
There are card board boxes and garbage bags everywhere! We're boxing up our summer clothes and purging through our stuff and getting rid of junk. It's amazing how much garbage one room can hold! Yuriko and I just finished an hour of purging through our personal stuff, and within just 1 hour, we had 2 garbage bags full of complete, no-questions-asked garbage! I estimate 10 full garbage bags of junk by the end of our packing escapades! It's insane.
It's also going to be so weird living with just my family, and only 8 of us all together. I'm so used to being in Homes with over 20 people, so this is going to take a while to get used to. But it's a nice house, cozy and cute. We will be bringing our stuff over to the new house next Tuesday. I'll take pictures of the place then, and will post them here. Until then, there's a hell of a lot more packing, purging and junking to do, so ta ta ta!
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milk shakes and pizza |
"The Time Traveler's Wife"
is epic!
Yuriko and I watched it just last night over some cheesy bread pastries we made, and I was on the verge of tears! It's a beautiful, tragic, romance, and if your feeling emo, or you're PMSing, or you're missing someone special, THIS is the movie to watch!
Recently, I've been getting into making smoothies, milk shakes with our blender. We always have a lot of bananas and we tend to let them rot before it gets to our mouths, so I freeze a bunch of them, and blend them up with new and interesting ingredients that I find in the kitchen.
My favorite now is this one:
*1 frozen banana
*1 cup of milk
*1 drop of vanilla essence
*1 tsp of instant coffee
*1 dash of cinammon
Throw all the ingredients above in your blender, and blend! It's way too easy for how addicting it tastes!
Yuriko's favorite would be:
*2 frozen bananas
*1 cup of milk
*a few packs of cocoa drink sticks
*4 ice cubes
Once again, thrown into the blender, and blend! It's a slice of Heaven, fit for a god! You'll love it!
Oh, and the other night, Yuriko and I made pizza! Although slightly delinquent, it was definitely edible, and the family gobbled it up in seconds. Either they were insanely hungry, or it actually tasted good. Whatever. The point is that we made the crust and pizza sauce from scratch, and that the finished product resembled a pizza... applause?
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Hiki's visitng! |
Wooohooo! My super-cool brother is visiting all the way from Taiwan with his wife and child! This is great news and worthy of a celebration. I think we're planning a 'lil hang out with a movie this evening which ought to be some fun.
So that's the awesome news.
But there's more.
Life is hitting us all in the face with 'change', and not just a bit of it, but a ton. The Home that I've been living in and have grown found of is changing. Members that I've lived and worked with are saying their good byes, and everything is moving WAY.TOO.FAST! But alas, the breaks are broken, and we'll just have to learn to love the ride.
It's good change though.
And y'all, my sweetie-pie Yuriko just created her umpteenth blog, so check out "Jason Kills a Butterfly"!
Well, it's free night, and I crave a super good movie and a bowl of mixed nuts right about now!
'Lil sis Akari and me.
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I <3 Hinder |
I just wanted to announce my new favorite band: Hinder
Naturally, Yuriko was the one that introduced me to the band, and I practically FELL-IN-LOVE with his god-like voice! The first song I listened to by Hinder was "Lips of an Angel", and so far it's my favorite! By the singer's voice, I imagined an older dude with greying hair and a growing beer belly, but I was pleasantly surprised to see a complete, 100% hottie when I You-Tubed his band! He's got a voice of a god, definitely to-die-for!
I'm not so much into his loud songs, I'm more for the slower ones, but still...that voice is so addicting!
Okay, other than my obsession with Hinder, I'm still digging the TV series "Bones" starring the fantastic David Boreanaz! I'm such a fan!
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I'm back! |
It's been one completely crazy month at the Academy for me, and I must say that every moment working at Kappa zushi was worth the amount of fun and fellowship I had during that one month. I was able to have a happy reunion with old friends, some who I haven't been in contact with for years, and also meet some brand new faces. There were the tough moments too, don't get me wrong. One of the things I didn't like so much was having to sit in class for 6 hours. The classes were lively and full of movie clips, audios, and hilarious skits, but my concentration span is shorter than normal humans, and therefore, after 30 minutes into the class, I would fighting to keep my eyes open. I'm so bad.
But despite my lazy nature, I was able to learn many new, cool things, and like I said earlier, I don't regret going. My younger siblings were hoping that I'd find someone "special", and I thought that was sweetest thing they could hope for, but honestly...fat chance. Not that the guys there were losers. Far from it! The guys there were good-looking, and a lot of them had charm and A+ personalities. But I knew most of them for almost my whole life, and besides that, I go for maturity, often found in older guys. (The staff, for example. LOL!)
But I met many cool individuals that I love so much now! I hope we'll be able to meet again! But, gosh, it's good to be home. Quite a few of the attendees were dreading the thought of home, but for me, home wasn't such a horrible thought. Sure, I didn't really want the Academy to end, but I didn't mind the thought of Home. I love my family. Life is so damn good!
Well, it's crazy, but I'll be going on vacation tomorrow, and will get back in a week. I'll be uploading pictures in a week or so.
Much love, me!!
Group shot of the attendees. I'm the one in the middle with black skirt and the withe shirt on. Can't you tell?
A fun day at the beach! We had a barbecue with no beer! Unbelievable, but funner than I thought it would be.
AFter some meditation outside.
Photoshoot with lil sis.
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went shopping! |
I went shopping the other day for the camp, and got myself some new clothes! I love the shirt best. I always thought wing tattoos on the back were the hottest thing ever, and since the chance of myself getting wings tattooed on my back is down to zero, I decided to get this shirt instead. The good news is that it was only 500yen! The pants were a bit more pricy, but it's totally worth it by me. The skirt was also quite cheap. 250 yen!! It was a good day of shopping. I was also able to get some much needed make-up. It's so crazy how make-up has to be so darn expensive. I wish they'd have a "half-price" day or something.
Anyway, check out the clothes I bought!
My "wing" shirt
The pants
The skirt.
A good day of shopping equals a happy me!!
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To C |
To C:
My deepest apologies for my absence. I know being busy is no excuse for deserting friends, so I'm not even going there. I've got nothing else to say but that I'm sorry for not being as faithful a friend that I could have been. Therefore I've just finished making a commitment to blog more frequently, when a slight problem came up, and that's that my laptop has decided to be rebellious on me and refuses to turn on. A.K.A. it's broken. It needs to read a good "self-help" book just about now and get over whatever it's fussing over, because life without a laptop is absolutely inconvenient. I not only use my laptop for blogging, but I listen to music off of it, I watch movies to kill the time at night that I can't sleep, I occasionally chat a few friends, I read novels, and store pictures and art work, and write tid-bits of my life on Word! My Mom will probably give me her old laptop though which isn't too bad. In fact, it's not bad at all as she will have it fixed up before giving it to me. What a sweet-heart!
Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you that I haven't forgotten about you and all my other friends for that matter. I haven't forgotten about your visit next year either. In fact I was just talking about that the other day with my sister in law. We were talking about some hang-outs we could organize, some movies that would be fun to watch, and other Homes we could visit together etc. Nope, I definitely haven't forgotten about your visit. I have sorta forgotten about this blog though. heh, heh.
About work: I'm quitting! I've had enough of my lazy-ass boss! He's always drinking or eating something during the last hour when I'm most thirsty and/or hungry, and I have to see him drink that soda, eat that cup-noodle, and kick off his shoes and relax in a chair!
But this is not why I'm quitting, of course. I think there are several reasons as to why I've decided to quit, but to name a few, there's my insomnia, the fact that the Home needs me, and also because I might be able to get a job with a better pay. I actually happen to like my boss the way he is. Like I've said before, I don't go too well with serious people. I need people that know how to be themselves. My boss fits that definition perfectly.
Okay, well, being that it's late, and that my brain doesn't function half as prettily as it usually does during this hour, I will wrap things up and try to blog later on. I miss you, and I'm probably looking forward to your visit just as much as you are!
Hugs and love,
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Pictures and Life. |
Uhuh, uhuh, life's like this.
Life's like what? It's like THIS!!!
Work Life:
Work is great and it sucks at the same time. Dunno how it works exactly, but that's how it is right now, and no use asking questions, don't you think? Hm. Okay, let me try to explain. What's great about work is that I'm getting much more used to the routine of things and I'm able to move through the schedule faster than before. This is good because not only does it get us all back home faster, but people stop bugging you about this and that and are you doing it right or aren't yous? The "sucks" part is when we're short staffed, and there's way too many customers. The other day there was only me and another co-worker taking care of the floor and hall area during a "peak" and it was absolutely insane and hectic. Good thing that this particular co-worker I worked with is one of my very favorites. He's nothing hot or good looking, but he's got a winner personality that's positive and outgoing and is fast and efficient. Just what I need at the late hour of 9-12pm. One more thing that "sucks" about work is that it has succeeded in throwing my body clock off completely. I get home at around 1:00 AM, and I usually take an hour to take a shower, and
wind down for bed. That's not the problem though. The problem is by the time it's 2:00 AM, I'm wide awake and sleep is the last thing my body and mind are up to. I think it's insomnia yet again. It's all mental though. I think I might have tried to sort the "insomnia is all in the mind" business in a previous post, so I'm not gunna go through that again, but either way, I've been scraping by with 1 to 2 hours of sleep these past 3 weeks, and when I get 3 hours of sleep, I'm lucky. It would be a different story if I was the napping kind, but as fate has it, I'm no
t. I can doze for 30 minutes, but sleep is almost impossible. My body is definitely feeling the strain, and I need some super-strong sleeping pills like NOW~!
It was nice when one Lixy picked me up from work and walked me back home over some drinks. I don't mind the 30 minute walk back home by myself, but it only so happens to be Adachi-ku where apparently crime is known to be rampant, so I'm thankful enough for the company. I haven't had any alcohol for 2 months, so although it was only a short cocktail that I drank, I felt it...slightly.Personal, Family, Home Life:
*My older sis visited me the other day. She was a whole shade darker. Looked like she's been working on her tan faithfully. My first words to her after seeing her were the obvious:
"Long-time-no-see! Woah, look at your tan! Not bad, I must say."
Her first words were:
"You lost weight!"
So I guess I did, since I'm getting that a lot these days. Whatever. It's really whatever. But for all those of you who are trying to get your bikini bodies and to be able to fit into your summer dresses and mini shorts, the secret is to drink lots of water, stick to your diet (it could be any diet really) for 2 weeks and over, and you'll get noticeable results. It's no big secret and it's nothing new, but it works.
*Pilates and Hip Hop Abs are my new exercise obsessions. They're helping me along the lines of looking how an 18 year old ought to, and keeping all the ice-creams and chocolates I want to eat from sticking around my midsection, etc.
*4th floor is looking WAY cool! All the handymen that are helping us out with the renovation deserve 10 brownie points and then some! My hat goes off again and again to every one of the workers.
*My Mom's dieting. And progress is being made! 3 cheers for her!
*It's a month till the long awaited Youth Training Camp/Academy that will last for a whole freakin month. I don't know if I should be excited about it or whether i should be dreading even the thought of it as I've never been to one of this length before. So, I'm trying to do a little bit of both. It's not working. The age old fear of whether I'll fit in or not, whether they'll be a guy I like or not, whether I'll be able to take the "training" or not are racing through my mind.
*Shiro and Marie came over and we all watched "Blades of Glory" over chocolate and a custard pie I made. I had so much fun I thought for a moment that I had died and gone to Heaven or something. If you're up to a comedy that you can bust your belly over with some friends and snacks and you don't find gays offensive, than this one is THE movie to watch. Don't delay and get to it now!
*Took some photos with Ken a few weeks back. (They would be the ones you're seeing everywhere throughout this post. )
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work, life, this 'n that. |
My dear older brother will be visiting all the way from Taiwan this month!! I'm overjoyed! I miss that guy...
That's the good news. The bad news is that my back and shoulders and neck are in pain. You know how your back and shoulders start aching when you're short on sleep for a few days in a row? Well, that's the kinda pain I'm dealing with right now. The other night, I got ZERO sleep. I came back from work at around 1am, took a shower and got to bed at 2am, but despite how tired my body was, my brain was wide awake, and wouldn't stop spinning, and I couldn't find a position that I felt comfortable to sleep in. It was SO annoying! I was horrified as I watched it getting brighter outside and checked my watch to read 4:30am. I gave up on sleeping after that. I had work the next day, and thankfully, I slept well that night, but I'm still rather tired, and I've got work tonight as well. I'm getting used to it though, and I'm making less mistakes. It's all good.
It's getting so hot and sticky these days. It's doing horrible wonders to my appetite too. I don't feel like eating much these days, even when I'm hungry! I look at food, (esp. if it's a soup, or it's a hot dish) and believe it or not, feel tired--just by looking at it! It's insane! I have a feeling I'll be losing some weight...heh heh! There exceptions to this though. For example, if it were an avocado salad, or mixed nuts, or a chilled fruit salad, or chicken salad, I'll be up to eating it. Other then that though, food tires me.
I'm wondering if I should change my hair style. Maybe cut it short? Maybe grow it out super long and perm it straight? Cut a new style of bangs? I'm not so sure, but I want a new look. We'll see what I'll end up doing. Oh, but I'm positive about getting contact lenses. Glasses are such, such a bore!
Will write more later
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iroiro |
Is tiring and there's a lot that I need to get used to. I know I don't work long hours or anything, but just the fact that I'm working during the time that I unwind and start getting ready for well-deserved sleep, (9-12pm) is difficult. My boss isn't the stressed and stretched type though, and that's good. He's actually quite funny, which is really good. Angry, unpleasant people, who act like they've got sticks up their hiny are very near the top of my I-don't-like list. Anyhow, good thing my boss isn't like that, and most of my co-workers are friendly and don't bite. Of course, this could be because I'm new and all, but I hope not. My costume could stand some improvements. It's so not cool. So, so not cool.
August Rush was movie that I simply LOVED! It's brilliant, and if you haven't watched it yet, than rent it NOW, or download it NOW, or if by any chance it's in the cinemas, than go watch it NOW!! (In any of the above situations, don't forget your pop-corn! Pop-corn happens to be the life of every film.)
I watched a slightly boring movie recently as well by the name of Australia, staring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. Being that both of them are so talented in acting, I was expecting more of the movie, but honestly, I ended up turning it off half way through, and i don't intend on finishing it either. I assume it's partly because there was no pop-corn, and also because I was already a bit sleepy when I started the movie, but either way, it could have been much, much better. The style of the movie didn't appeal to me.
Pink Panthar part 2 was another movie I just loved, and there wasn't any pop-corn either! I had such a good time laughing that I probably couldn't have cared less for pop-corn if it was served! I heard that part 1 wasn't so cool, and so I didn't bother to watch it. So just in case you got turned off by part 1, don't let that scare you away from part 2, because I hear a lot of people saying that it was a marked improvement part1. Just watch it!
I'm still on the sugar and alcohol fast, and I feel alive! I also started exercising and walking more too, and I feel more energetic compared to when I was lazing around all day. I think it's especially important that I keep my health a priority since I need my body to keep going till later hours. And besides, I'm only 18. My body should be capable of so much more!
I walked an hour yesturday to the nearest mall and was horrified to see that they were doing a 20~70% off sale! Horrified because I don't have any money right now!! Argh! It was pure pain as I walked up and down the hall ways of the mall checking out the super-cool clothes and adorable nick-nacks. Whaa!
I'm so tired in the evenings these days. I'll blame it all on the disturbance to my equilibrium by my late shifts. My body is adjusting at a snail pase. Hurry up!!
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blah blah |
Tomorrow is my nieces very 1st Birthday, and I'll be baking her very 1st Birthday cake! I also drew a picture of her, but that's more for the parents, Dawn and Yasu, than for her. I hope they like it. I'll be posting it soon on my art blog, so stay tuned.
Anyway, we all know that I got a job at the sushi place, right? I'll be starting work there this Sunday, and that's good news for me. My boss is also a very friendly dude, and he's easy to communicate with. I hate those people who act like they have a stick up there hiny. They look and act constipated, and it's nothing pleasant.
Recently, I can't sleep so well at night because of mosquitoes and the heat. It's soooo annoying! The other night, I didn't even get a wink of sleep. I watched the needles of my watch telling me that it is now 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM,.....7 AM! All for those annoying bugs. I wish they'd go instinct or something.
I LOVE pop-corn! I love pop-corn so much, that it's a threat to my health! I think I'll go on a little pop-corn fast along with my sugar and alcohol fast. I will do me good.
And that's about it for an update on my life. Will post more later.
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I want my precioussssss! |
Guess what?
I had an interview today at the "スパゲッティ食堂', with Mr. Boss. I haven't felt so nervous in quite a while, and consequently, I started smiling like an idiot. Oh, well. It musn't be too bad.
Mr. Boss looks like he's in his late 30s, but is balding already. He's got a tiny frame, (even for a Japanese) and looks a bit stressed, but like he could be a sweeto. The whole atmosphere of the place was nice, and I hope they accept me. I'll find out next Sunday!! Oh, God, let it be!!!!
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Work |
I'm probably not going to work at McDonald's. Not that I don't want to or anything,...but I don't think they need more staff there at the moment. I actually went through all the trouble of filling out the paper for application, and glued a picture of myself on it, and gave it to one of the workers there,.... how could they not call me after so long? So, I naturally assumed that they don't need any more workers,....either that or the boss is a loser.
Anyhow, I'm being proactive and started job hunting. There are several places where I know they need more workers.
Here are a few:
A Family Restaurant that I enjoy eating at. It's a 15 minute walk from here, and I've contemplated working there before. I'm not so sure I wanna work at a Family Restaurant though.
*Treasure Factory
A Second Hand Shop that is only a 2 minute walk from my place. I like browsing through their clothe selection, which isn't so bad, but not entirely good either. I like the fact that I wouldn't have to re-dye my hair black if I were to work there.
A chain store restaurant for spaghetti, pasta and pizza, and is a decent 40 min walk from my place. I've eaten there only once, but it was pretty good, and right now, I'm thinking that that might be a fun place to work at... I'm not so sure though.
We have a rawmen shop nearby, and it always seems short-staffed, and they're always in need of more workers. It's an option, but I don't like the atmosphere of the place. It's kinda gloomy. I also think the smell of rawmen will drive me nuts! I like the taste of it, but having to smell it's wicked flavors all day is going to sicken me.
*Baby Sitting
Rich and spoiled gringos that don't have time for their children will drop them at our place, or we'll go to their place, and we watch them. The pay is not bad at all.
There are more places that are looking for workers, but I'm not looking forward to working at those places, so therefore, the above is where I'll chose from. We'll see where I'll end up working in a few days.
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Wolverine |
So last night, I got together with the young people in my home, and we watched Wolverine. I thought it was entertaining enough, but....a bit too much in some cases. I didn't particularly like it, although I didn't particularly dislike it. It's a "meh" movie. My brother was a bit more than disappointed though. I guess that's what happens when you expect too much from a movie series. It's rare that the 2nd and 3rd movie of a series turns out right. I'd give this one 6 stars out of 10.