You heard me right. It is indeed, snowing pigs, and dogs and cats. Can you belive that we're heading straight into March and it's the first time for me to see snow this year? And what better timing to watch Ice Age, which we did last night!
I heard Y swear that she could so fall in love with Diego, the siber-tooth. I agree he's hawt, but I'd prefer Agent 47 in Hitman...
...or Jim Caviezel. Gawd, I can't belive I can't make up my mind!
You see, Y and I had this messed up conversation over these past 3 days where Y would ask me who I'd prefer to be with out of the following:
Matt Damon
Leonardo Dicaprio
Agent 47
Jim Caviezel situations such as:
*a relationship
*trapped in a time warps
*in bed
*a plane crash
*a date
*going to Disney Land
*a club
*a best-friend relationship
*ating spagettie
*one of the four kidnapping me
etc. etc.
The problem is, I like all four of 'em a decent amount, so, it was rather difficult to come to the conclusion. But the most votes went to Jim Caviezel...and Agent 47. So Y decided to through me a hard one, and gave me the option of being getting together with either Jim or 47, (never mind the fact that both of 'em have been married for eons in real life) I couldn't make up my mind! But I think I'm sort of leaning towards liking 47 more after watching "Catch and Release".
I'm such a loser for blogging about stuff like this...

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It's snowing pigs! |
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Christian Bale blows it big time!!!! |
I know this is old news, but I'm not apologizing for posting it here on my blog! I wasn't ever a fan of the guy, but after listening to this little (or should I say big) outburst, I started liking him. It's just so hilarious! For all those of you who don't mind listening to the F word repeated a hundred times, and for those of you who don't like Mr. Bale all that much, this little audio, is JUST FOR YOU!
Let's hear three cheers for Christian's potty mouth!
A comment by a YouTuber:
Lmfao "enough prescription pills to kill 10 Heath Ledgers"
So, enjoy!!
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I'm zonked out |
So, we made the pie, but believe it or not, we failed to take pictures of it. In other words, we managed to gobble it up before the camera got around to it. Talk about gluttony. But gosh, it tasted great, although I must admit, we could have kept it in the oven a bit longer. Oh, well, what the heck!
Y and I did watch "Keith", but before that, good 'ol L watched "Hitman" with us over some beer, chips, and Yakisoba. A big thanks here to L who is ever so faithful to take the time to chill with us boring souls. He even gave me a little present the other day. (The hat on my head in the picture would be that present). You are a great friend, L. Life without you would definitely lose it's class and be that much more dull and boring. Stay your crazy self!
Okay, so back to that movie, "Hitman", I LOVED it! If you enjoyed the "Bourn" series, then you'll love this one! I heard they're making a sequel to it, and if so, then I simply can't wait! It was nothing short of genius! Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more!! "Keith" was a good one too. Maybe not as good as "Hitman", but it still very enjoyable. Definitely more then I was expecting it to be.
Anyways, it's past 2am, and I'm far too drowsy to make this post any fun at all. So I'm gunna call it a night. Thanks for your time if you have decided to read this post through. You rock. I rock.
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gimme sushi |
It's all rainy and cold today, but then again I like rainy days, so I'm not complaining. But it does get a bit much if your on your monthly. You just feel like curling up in a ball under warm covers and staying there. Anyway, guess what's happening todoay? Y and I are gunna bake an apple pie for a movie night we've just planned yesturday. I think we're gunna watch "Keith" or something. I just wanted to state though, that Y and myself are quite wicked when it comes to pie baking. They turn out DELICIOUS! If we're not too lazy, we'll have pictures! Yay!
And I don't know if this is just a PMS craving or not, but I bloody want to eat.....
Doesn't that just look mouth-watering?
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11 more days!! |
Guess what's gunna happen in 11 days? 11 days from now, and it will be March 5th. Does that ring a bell? Well, for all those that guessed straight way, "O.M.G!! It's E's 18th birthday!", I'll give them 10 brownie points and lots of cyber hugs, because March 5th is indeed my 18th birthday! I can't believe I'm gunna be 18. It's just so old, and yet kinda young. A very I-don't-know kinda year. Well, I guess we'll just have to see how it will turn out, won't we?
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poop |
I haven't been so faithful with blogging these days, and the best excuse I can come up with is plain old "lazy-ness", which is quite pathetic if I may say so myself. But I'm gunna try to be more consistent from now on, (note the consistency of the 3 posts below) so don't forget to forgive me. Ahah.
But what have I been doing all this time anyway? Well, I've been drawing, believe it or not, and you can check it out on my art blog!
I've also been doing very nerdy things like, (don't laugh) scrap-booking, reading novels (Princess Diaries and Eclipse, etc), and not-too-nerdy things like movie viewing and exercising. Oh, and by the way, I'm super good at scrap-booking! Ask Y if you don't believe me.
Sooooo, those are the things I've been at recently that you're allowed to know. The other don't wanna know. Loves to all!
Oh, and a Happy Valentine's Day to you all! (<-- a bit late, eh?)
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Ouch! |
"Look, look, LOOK!!" One of my younger sisters came barging into my room and thrust her little pinkie finger in my face with great triumph. And then I went, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!" Because her little pinkie finger was all yucky grey! It seems that while she was wrestling one of the brothers, he fell on her pinkie the wrong way and twisted it. Ouch. Well, she seemed rather pleased with her "battle wounds", so I assume it minuses from the pain. Here's a picture for the curious.
Oh, and just the other day, my younger brother decided to surprise me by showing me his cancer sour. Now, if this particular canker sour was like any other canker sour, then my reaction would probably be a simple, "ew", but since his canker sour happened to bulge out of his lip like a gigantic boil the size of my fingernail, I had reason enough to scream, and scream I did! Sadly, I don't have a pic of that one. I was a bit too horrified for picture taking, but if he ever develops another one like that, I'll be sure to bite my lower lip and snap one for you all. Believe me, you'll scream too.
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Last evening I watched "Outlander" starring Jim Caviezel with sis and bro over some Yakisoba and Eggnog. Yup, you heard me right. EGGNOG! I happen to love eggnog, and I make some for myself once a week. I'd have it more often (a.k.a every evening) but I want to save the whisky. Yeah, I know I'm suppose to use dark rum or even brandy, but since I so happen to have a bottle of whisky, I thought what the heck! It tastes fine, by the way, so if you happen to have a bottle of whisky, send it over or MAKE EGGNOG yourself!
Anyway, back to the movie, I liked it a decent amount. But I'll only give it 7 stars out of 10. Because the beginning was a bit slow and even a bit cheesy, but that was just the beginning, and all is well that ends well. Jim Caviezel is mega hot, and I so worship his arms! Oh, and he had strange chemistry with the little boy more then he had with his co star actress. Not that I mind though. I liked the little boy way better then whats-her-face that fights her dad when she doesn't get her way.
Oh, and my oldest sister decided to drop by, and we talked for hours about her upcoming wedding in Jamaica! She had a pamphlet with her which described in picture and word the place she'll be staying at and OMG, it's breathtaking! The wedding is going to be perfect,...there's just no way you can go wrong with that kinda set up and money! Whew!
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Alas,... |
...I have nothing to blog about.
Actually I do. The Land Lord decided to leave this cold world yesturday, which so happened to be his birthday. Very shocking, I must admit. I also jts finished dying my hair, but instead of becoming lighter like it said it would on the box, it became a shade darker, which totally messed up the groove of things. I even thought of suing, but after a second or two of thought, I decided that I was far too lazy. So here I am, still in a daze over the fact that my hair isn't what I wanted it to be and muling over the fact that our Land Lord ain't breathing.
Oh, and I'm jazzed over the fact that I'm watching the movie, "Outlander" with the sis and the bro this evening after dinner. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting to watch it, and now that a good DVD quality version of the film is out, it's happening tonight!! I really can't wait! I'm all over Jim Caviezel's bicepts! Three cheers for the dude!
Below are two Oulander posters. I like the top one better...looks more co