I did get sick. Really sick. I had a high fever, and felt so weak and helpless and tired, and board. It's no fun having the flue, but it ain't much better standing in the kitchen baking cookies and cakes for visitors and friends. Ugh! I can't make up my mind which is worse!
Anyway, this is suppose to be my, "Merry Christmas, World!!" post, but really, I want to wish a "Merry Christmas" to a certain friend of mine. A certain "C" to be exact. I was gunna send him something via chat, but since my Yahoo MSN is being rather rebellious and refuses to start, I'll just have to do it here. I hope you read this before you leave for (I forget which) Thailand or Taiwan. I always got mixed up with the two anyway. But you know me, so I'm sure you'll forgive my forgetfulness.
So, C, Merry Christmas. We've only known each other for a little over then a year, but it seems like I've known you for longer. It may be a bit difficult to believe, but you are defiitely a good friend to me, and I miss you when your not online, and I get frustrated when you're not online for several days straight. I basically sign in my Yahoo MSN to see if you're online or not. Just imagine how disappointed I am when you're not there! Imagine how frustrated I am now that my Yahoo MSN doesn't even work! (btw,...that would mean Skype from now on. Sign into skype instead of your MSN) You made me laugh and giggle and smile on many an occasion and I never really tire of chatting you. Please be patient and forgiving with my crazy moods. I am a bit pathetic at times, but since Christmas is all about being kind and sweet, I was hoping I could squeeze out a "forgiveness gift" from you for all the times I was less then polite and kind. I'm wishing you the funnest Holidays and New Years. Please don't forget about me over there just cuz I won't be able to chat you. (unless on skype). Thanks for everything. You mean a ton to me. Muah!
And here's a gross pic of Santa. I hate Santa. He never game me a Christmas presant even when I was on my BEST behavior. Humph! He's a meanie! Well, doesn't matter anyway. I've decided long ago that I'd save the trip for Santa and be a naughty girl. Hope he doesn't even bother!Well, Merry Christmas and a Happy New years to you all! Wishing you the best of everything. May you live long and joyous lives!

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Merry Christmas!! |
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Well, heck! |
Like I said, I don't feel so good right now. You'll get the idea if you read the post below this one, but in a nut-shell, I feel miserably sick. But who's to say that I'll feel any better tomorrow, or the next day, or the next? I could just get sicker and sicker, and might even end up in a coffin for all I know! And that's exactly why instead of going to sleep and getting the rest I need, I'm looking at the "bigger picture" and have decided to fight the drowsiness and the feeling of pain in my temples, and pry my eyes open to type this post out for y'all! You'd better, BETTER appreciate the effort!
But then again, what is there to write about? The only thing that comes to mind is how bad my head hurts and how stupid I am for staying up to write this post. And I have a weird feeling that this post will be unnecessarily looooong, with pointless chatter. Well, stick with me anyway.
Last Year's Christmas and Yew Years
Okay, so since I couldn't sleep much last night, I started thinking about how I spent last year's Christmas and New Years. Well, on the 25th, I was out working my arse off for 10 hours!! I remember thinking how insanely low that was....working and working and doting on undeserving and cranky customers and cleaning up after their mess, when I could have been relaxing with my family and friends, drinking, and watching fun Christmasy movies. What was I thinking?? Hmm....I probably wasn't thinking at all.
And guess what I did for New Years? If you guessed, 'working for 10 hours and serving cranky customers', you're absolutely right. Y and I had a tough New Year's Eve, (Yeah, no hot guy to sit next to during the countdown...we didn't even do the countdown!!) so when New Year's rolled around, we kinda clicked. We laughed, cried, wept, and made complete fools of ourselves while waiting for the train to arrive that would bring us home from a long, dizzy day.
Both last year's Christmas and New Year's was pathetic. And I'm determined to have a good one this year! Wish me luck, guys and gals!
Yum, Yum, Sandwich!
Okay, and so the other day, I really felt like eating a sandwich. I know I really shouldn't go by my feelings all the time and eat whatever I feel like eating, but it was an exception. And besides, we only use whole wheat bread, and so that already makes the sandwich crazy-healthy! So, I went to the kitchen, made myself a sandwich, and ate that sandwich! I even made one for Y! It was delightful. Check out the pic, all!
Bushy Eyebrows!
I freak out when my eyebrows start going a bit bushy. It's horrifying! But it's a relief to know that the solution is a simple one. PLUCK!I Like Reading.
It's a bit nerdy. But who cares? I sure don't, especially when the book I'm reading is a masterpiece called, "The Count of Monte Cristo". Loved the book, and loved the movie! In the pic below, I'm reading the Japanese translation for the book, but it's still awesome! I generally prefer my books in English, but if I always read English literature, I'll start forgetting my Kanji's and that's a big NO!
Aaaand, my eye balls are hurting so bad that I'm afraid they'll pop out! In order to prevent this, I'll go to sleep. Love to all, and Merry Christmas!!
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I don't feel so well... |
...and that's why I can't blog so often. My head hurts, and my throat feels like it's burning. Today was unusual cold, and I felt rather dizzy as I spent the afternoon baking for some guests that want to celebrate Christmas with my family. Are they crazy? Am I crazy?! Both is true, I'm afraid. I am crazy becaused I agreed to bake for the party, and they are crazy to want to celebrate the Holiday with us.
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Ta-blah! |
Warm AGAIN!?
Argh! It doesn't feel like Christmas at all, and I'm gunna blame it all on the weather. It's getting warm again, and when I say warm, I mean 'spring' warm! The weather is alarmingly pleasant, and because of it, the use of heaters is gone, and thus, it doesn't feel like Christmas. Not even a smidgen. The world is messed up!
The 'Cabbot' news
But here's the good news! The book series "The Mediator" by Meg Cabbot is going to be made into a movie, and I am over joyed! It's one of my favorite book series, and Y and I have all 6 books on our shelf! It's always been my dream that they'd make a movie series out of it, and I guess my dream just might be comming true! This dream could easily turn into a night mare though, depending on the quality of the movie (or movies), the cast (Jesse and Suze, in particular), the director, and whether or not it would be a low budget or hight budget film. I can only ring my hands in prayer and be a really, really good girl, and wait,.... and wait..... and wait. Another 'argh!'
Anyways, below are the movies I've been watching recently, and what I think about them.
*The Gladiator (My 3rd time to watch this film. I think I had a minor crush on Russell Crow after watching this movie for the fist time. And Joaquin Phoenix does an excellent job at playing the roll of a perverted phyco! I like him too.)
*Anne of Green Gables (I lost count of times I watched this one. Don't know why, but it's definitely a classic in my books! Gilbert is kinda hot anyways, so why not? )
*Blood Diamonds (It was the 3rd time to watch this one, and gosh, I love this film! I'm not a fan of Leonardo, but I must say, he did wonderfully as the vilan in this one, and it's simply a must-see for everyone!)
*Parenthood (My 1st time to watch this old film, but I loved it! Joaquin Phoenix is SO young here, and a huge "OMG" at Keanu Reeves! He's so young! And 'ew' at his long hair...)
*Spider Man 1 (3rd time. I didn't think I'd like it at first since I'm not much a fan of 'super heros', but I liked it! But I would cringe every now and then when he says something ultra nerdy when he's in the 'spidy costume'. It throws me off big-time! I also don't like the red-head 'what's-her-face'. She annoys me. Indecisive child! )
*The Count of Monte Cristo ( I totally lost count of the times I watched this film! It's one of those movies that you can watch over and over again and not get board of it! I'll give this one an A++! Jim Caviezel plays an amazing Edmond Dantes, although I wished the movie would stick more to the book. But I guess it's something that can't be helped. Aside from some very rare exceptions, when a movie is made taken from a book, the book is always better then the movie. )
Good night.
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Lemon Cake |
My younger sister just had her 12th birthday, and I made a lemon cake for her. And since the cake turned out so nicely, I think I'd like to share the recipe with all of you. Follow the recipe to a T, and you can't go wrong. It's a win-win cake! People will love you for it. Belive me!
Lemon cake
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup butter
- 3 cups white sugar
- 6 eggs
- 1 lemon's worth of zest and juice
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 cup buttermilk
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease one 9 or 10 inch tube pan. Mix together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
- In a large bowl, beat butter with sugar until light and yummy looking. Mix in the eggs, one at time, beating well after each addition. Stir in the lemon stuff and the vanilla extracts. Gently mix in flour mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Pour batter into the prepared pan.
- Bake in preheated oven for 90 minutes. Do not open oven door until after one hour. When cake begins to pull away from the side of the pan it is done. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.
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1:25AM |
I'm doing it again. Staying up way late and blogging, I mean. I really need more sleep, especially when I have such terrible cramps. (The kind that come faithfuly every month.) Grrrr. There must be something seriously wrong with me....
....AND the weather! I mean, it was warm enough for it to be spring today! We definitely have one messed up winter this year. It's cold one day, it's warm the next. It's wrong. It's all wrong, wrong, wrong.
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Junk Food
Junk Food
Junk Food
Don't we all just dig it? I certainly do! Which is exactly why we need to be careful about our junk-food intake. There are some phycos that think they can survive on Junk Food, and Junk Food only for their calorie intake. Sure, they may be able to survive,....by the skin of the pimple on their oily face. It's just not right!
Dieters that think they can lose weight by eating very little or nothing of normal food, and eat for example a bag of potato chips for breakfast, ice-cream for lunch, and cake for dinner are gunna die young and ugly.
The way to go is lots of exercise, water, healthy foods, sleep etc.
But who am I to say all this?! I LOVE ice-cream! I know some people who can't eat ice-cream in the winter because it's just too cold. I have no idea what their problem is, but I certainly don't have that problem, 'cuz ice-cream is definitely a year 'round favorite for me!
Brad Pitt or Brendan Fehr
Both of them are lovely guys. Sexy and all. But that aside, they have something in common. They both have mega pouts that come naturally! Which pout is sexier? Go ahead...take a goood look.
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Them breathtaking sunsets!! |
A friend told me that he usually misses the sunsets because they are here a moment, and gone the next. "It feels like only a minute has passed", he says. Well, I say all the more reason why you should take the time for 'em! There's never going to be that exact same sunset again in history! So take the time.
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'Bestest Friends' |
Sticky Friends
You know those sticky friends who just stick to you through thick and thin? Who are there for you even when your not doing so hot, and you're basically a broken faucet? I have a friend like that. He's been the most stickiest friend I know that saw me through some of the most difficult times in my short 17 years. And get this--we've never even met! And hey, check this out! He sent me a gift, and it wasn't even my Birthday or Christmas! (if you're dumb enough to not get what the gift is, it's the bandanna I'm wearing on my head and it says "Friends Forever")
To My Dear Friend,
You are the friend that's been there for me through the good times and the bad. I haven't been too faithful with the friendship we had, but you never cease to amaze me at how you always try to keep us together, or bring us back in some way! I may seem kinda cold or just plain weird these days, but I wanted you to know that I'm thankful for everything you do for me.
I JUST got your present today, and my heart was touched by the gift! Seriously! I loved it! I swear, I will use it! Not only just to wear on my head, but to wipe my sweat, wipe my wet hands, to wear as a mask like those cowboys in the movies, and (etc etc etc) You're the bestest! Muah!
The Day
Okay, so it's definitely getting colder. It's finally starting to feel like December, and it's a relief! I went to the park today with Y, and as we walked, we talked about not much in particular (something girls are experts at). And although this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I'll say it anyway, cuz it will continue to bug me until I get it out. I wanna go to Disney Sea this winter vacation!! (with Y, of course) The plan is this:
Day1 we leave home in the after noon, let's say 3 pm, and stay at the Disney hotel for the night. We will have the finest of Disney's delicacies, and soak in a hot bath, and finish the evening with a movie, snuggled up in our beds, with deserts at our side.
Day2 we start the day off with the hotel's "breakfast special", get prettied up, and go on all the rides in Disney Sea, with plenty of snack-times in between to keep us full of energy for more fun and play. Hopefully, we would have planned our day properly to catch a show here and there. Oh, and we'll most definitely browse every shop there is, and buy souvenirs for family and friends. Since it was such a long day, we won't wanna go back home straight, so we stay at the hotel. We take a hot bath, we snuggle in our beds, and sleep.
Day 3 we start making plans for going home. But then we realize that we'd much rather go through Disney Land before home, so we do just that! We repeat what we did the day before. Except our day is not at Disney Sea, but at Disney Land! And yeah, you got it, we stay another night at the hotel, and by then we're sick of playing, and we go straight home on the
4th day.
Fantastic, no?
And that was very long, for being off-topic. So long, in fact that I lost tract of what I was meaning to write. Darn! Well, since I can't remember, let's just say it wasn't worth remembering! (oh, and all the outside pics were from our walk)
Okay, so today wasn't too eventful. But I did create a new blog which you all can start checking out soon! It's mainly for my family and my own artwork, (new and old) as well as any artwork that fascinates me.
Oh, and we've been having breathtaking sunsets these days, and when I say breathtaking, I mean, literally breathtaking! My jaw seriously dropped to like the floor! And so, I've made it my mission to capture each moment of the sun setting with my mom's digital camera. I'll be posting those pics shortly. You won't be disappointed, my friends. Promise.
And darn, those sirens are getting annoying! Well, the town's crime rate is exceptionally high. It is to be expected.
And I'm so off to bed. I mean, wth am I doing up again? I need my sleep. Nights.
But lastly, take a look at my sockies! Cute much? LOL! No, the reason why I went out of my way to wear miss-matching socks was because I actually didn't go out of my way to wear miss-matching socks. In other words, I only have miss-matching socks. Well, I don't care. They're cute!
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Cardio!! |
The weather is finally dropping, so it's a big whoopee for me!
I was outside today in a mini-skirt, boots, and Jacket, thinking that since it's been so warm recently, why should today be any different? Well, it is December and all, so it's only fair that the temperature would drop like how it did today,...only it would have helped me a ton if I had checked the weather forecast, cuz i was shivering my ass off! Apparently, tomorrow is going to be even more cold, so I'll dress more "weather appropriate" as I'll be going out again tomorrow.
I did waaaaaay over an hour of walking today, but when I came back home at the late hour of 10:30pm, I was still quite full of energy, and I didn't feel like sleep at all! So I got YouTube out, and typed "Tae-bo", and started sweating off the extra calories for a good 40 min! It feels great to work out every now and then, even if it seems too difficult, or you feel rather sluggish. To the contrary, I think it's best to work out when you feel sluggish, and the more difficult the work out seems, the better. I mean, an easy work out is no work out! It's gotta be challenging! And that's what Tae-bo is.
I've been a Tae-bo fan ever since I was 11 years old. Although I haven't been doing it religiously of late, I've decided to pick it up to prevent "winter storage" and to feel more alive and alert. I always feel much better after exercising, and so I think I'll try to make it a habit to exercise regularly again. I mean, sure I go out on walks daily, and I do an occasional pilate video, but I don't think that's quite enough for me. I like vigorous exercise. And so that's exactly what I'll do!
And OMG! It's the 7th of December! That only leaves us with 18 more days till Christmas! ( and 24 more days till New Years) Can you believe it? I sure can't. Well, when we only have 18 more days till Christmas, the best thing to do is to listen to all those Christmas songs and give lots of love and stuff to everybody, and try to feel as Christmasy as possible! Good luck, and good night.
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Blah Blah! |
Once again, I'm blogging at a late hour (5 minutes past midnight), which means that my brain is working less, and that could only be a good thing, since blog posts shouldn't be something you think too much about. If you think too much about what you want to post and what the post should be like, it's likely that it won't turn out so well.
But gawd, am I sleepy or what? My eyes are droopy right now, and my fingers aren't typing as fast as I want them too. But anyways, here's the quote for today:
The Quote
"Every great man has a woman rolling her eyes behind him"
STOP! And reread that quote. Think, and even meditate on it, because it's actually very deep indeed, and it couldn't be closer to the truth! So all you big guys who think you're so big and great and hot or whatever, remember this quote and don't let your pride get the better of you!
The Hair
I have really special hair. It's super thick, and I have twice, or even thrice the amount of hair then your average girl. It's NUTS! You don't have any idea how difficult it is to manage such great amounts of hair and actually make it look good. I've almost as good as gave up on my hair a while back, and let it degrade to being a haystack on top of my head, but after a while, I realized that is so NOT what I wanted, so I started putting a little more effort in my hair and making it look civil. Here are a few of those efforts.
I blow dry my hair after every shower. This prevents the "hay stack" look in the morning, and generally calms my hair down a lot. It also takes forever to dry my hair since there's just so much of it, and it's also pretty long.
I cut bangs! The bangs frames my face well, and makes me look better.
I dye my hair brown! Black is nice. But with the amount of hair I have, and it's volume, black would make my hair look far too heavy and dense. The color brown makes my hair look much lighter and makes my hair appear as if there's less then the actual, mammoth amount!
I curl my hair every now and then when i have some extra time on my hands. Since i have a square jaw, the curls kinda cover that up and make me look better. Haha!
And enough is enough about my boring hair!
Spider Man
I watched Spider Man 1 with my younger siblings the other day, and I just realized all over again how dorky Spider Man is when he's not in his skin-tight costume. But he's awful sexy when he's flying around saving damsels in distress! Haha! Oh, and yeah, it helps when he doesn't open his mouth!
And that's it for today! I'm off to bed, peoples!
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Ring your muthafookin bell!! |
I was walking down the side walk with my younger sister, talking about nothing-really-important, when I hear a small voice behind me saying, "sumimasen" (excuse me) so I looked over my shoulder, and saw a guy on his bicycle.... Okaaay. Please use your bell! Please! PLEASE! I mean, c'mon, that's what it's for--to let the people around you know that you need to get by!
Japanese are just way too quiet. It's rare that a person actually rings his or her bell. It's so rare, that I jump when I hear it! But I'd definitely prefer that then having somebody on his/her bike, slow down (even to a halt) just because they don't wanna use their bell, and sorta wait behind you until you recognize their presence! What's this world coming to?
On a lighter tone, today was pleasantly warm and I was fine outside in a T-shirt. It was also insanely windy that I kept getting strands of hair stuck to my lipgloss that I put on before the walk. It made me wanna cut my hair really short, like a guy's cut! That way I could thoroughly enjoy the nice warm, windy day! I mean, I generally like the wind! I like the way it blows through my hair and clothes! I just hate it when the wind blows my hair into my mouth and gets it stuck to my lipgloss. Ugh! Yuck. But then I think it would be more of a "ugh" and "yuck" to see me with buzzed hair. I'd puke with every mirror I pass! So, I'll junk that idea, and I think I'll stick with just not putting lipgloss before I go out on a windy day.
Oh, and did you notice that I said I was fine outside in a T-shirt? As much as I like warm days, it's NOT RIGHT! It's December, for crying out loud, and the weather ought to start acting like it! I like warm days, but I also like curling up in front of a heater like a cat, and snuggling up in my fluffy covers, and drinking hot chocolate, and it needs to be cold for that.
Anyways, whatever.
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3:35am |
So, all. What are you usually doing at 3:35am? Sleeping, should be the right answer. NOT outside taking a stroll in the park or down that dark ally (esp if you're a girl) , or eating junk food, or having wild sex, or taking the night shift and CERTAINLY NOT listening to music while typing out a blog post, which is what I'm doing right now. I mean seriously, the only people that ought to be awake are the cops and robbers. The robbers, because they rob best when it's dark, and cops, so that they can catch the robbers. (Oh, and don't forget our dear fire fighters!) People like me ought to be sleeping soundly and dreaming at this late hour. Or would 'early hour' be more correct? Probably. My eye lids are heavy, and my shoulders, and back are all cramped up, and my ass hurts for sitting in the same position, in the same chair for so long, and my mind is not working as fast as I want it to, and most of all, I'm dead tired! So what am I doing out of bed? Well, obviously, I'm writing this blog post! Duh! And I'm afraid this isn't making much sence, which is understandable, because, well golly, look at the time! Har har! I am sooooo calling it a night. Yup.
But before that, take a look at this groovy picture of my bleeding hand! What's the first thing you'll do when you see blood oozing from a cut on your finger? Will you stick it in your mouth and make a "ouch" facial expression? Will you go yelling at the top of your voice, "Mommy, I have an ouchy!" Will you calmly walk to the sink and wash the blood off and find a bandaid like a civil person? Or will your first reaction to a cut be, "Hey, where's Mom's camera?" (my reaction, btw) I doubt your reaction will be the last. And just in case it is, then keep it to yourself, 'cuz I like feeling original. Peace out, all. I'm off to bed.
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Parkour |
These guys are absolutly amazing!! It's quite impressive. I could go on and on about the vid and Parkour, but I think the videos explain themselves well enough. Enjoy!
The first vid is a bit slow/meh for the first 2 min or so, so DO NOT stop watching till the end! All the goodies are smashed together in the last half of the vid.
The second vid is cool from start to finish. :)