The weather is finally dropping, so it's a big whoopee for me!
I was outside today in a mini-skirt, boots, and Jacket, thinking that since it's been so warm recently, why should today be any different? Well, it is December and all, so it's only fair that the temperature would drop like how it did today,...only it would have helped me a ton if I had checked the weather forecast, cuz i was shivering my ass off! Apparently, tomorrow is going to be even more cold, so I'll dress more "weather appropriate" as I'll be going out again tomorrow.
I did waaaaaay over an hour of walking today, but when I came back home at the late hour of 10:30pm, I was still quite full of energy, and I didn't feel like sleep at all! So I got YouTube out, and typed "Tae-bo", and started sweating off the extra calories for a good 40 min! It feels great to work out every now and then, even if it seems too difficult, or you feel rather sluggish. To the contrary, I think it's best to work out when you feel sluggish, and the more difficult the work out seems, the better. I mean, an easy work out is no work out! It's gotta be challenging! And that's what Tae-bo is.
I've been a Tae-bo fan ever since I was 11 years old. Although I haven't been doing it religiously of late, I've decided to pick it up to prevent "winter storage" and to feel more alive and alert. I always feel much better after exercising, and so I think I'll try to make it a habit to exercise regularly again. I mean, sure I go out on walks daily, and I do an occasional pilate video, but I don't think that's quite enough for me. I like vigorous exercise. And so that's exactly what I'll do!
And OMG! It's the 7th of December! That only leaves us with 18 more days till Christmas! ( and 24 more days till New Years) Can you believe it? I sure can't. Well, when we only have 18 more days till Christmas, the best thing to do is to listen to all those Christmas songs and give lots of love and stuff to everybody, and try to feel as Christmasy as possible! Good luck, and good night.
The Parker Palm Springs
3 years ago
Not just to tease you or anything but in Sweden it is tradition to celebrate christmas at Julafton (christmas eve) and not the 25th. So I have a day less of waiting =D Oh and you better get on Skype one of these days and sing a christmas carol like I read on Y's blog that you did. Pretty please ^^
Ho, ho, ho! Well, one day less or no, my family's gunna celebrate Christmas on the 28th! Either way, my Christmas time will last longer!! And that's a big no to the "song" thingie!
=( Why not sing for me... Meanie who only sings for french/japanese hotties and George Clooney look-alikes...
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