Like I said, I don't feel so good right now. You'll get the idea if you read the post below this one, but in a nut-shell, I feel miserably sick. But who's to say that I'll feel any better tomorrow, or the next day, or the next? I could just get sicker and sicker, and might even end up in a coffin for all I know! And that's exactly why instead of going to sleep and getting the rest I need, I'm looking at the "bigger picture" and have decided to fight the drowsiness and the feeling of pain in my temples, and pry my eyes open to type this post out for y'all! You'd better, BETTER appreciate the effort!
But then again, what is there to write about? The only thing that comes to mind is how bad my head hurts and how stupid I am for staying up to write this post. And I have a weird feeling that this post will be unnecessarily looooong, with pointless chatter. Well, stick with me anyway.
Last Year's Christmas and Yew Years
Okay, so since I couldn't sleep much last night, I started thinking about how I spent last year's Christmas and New Years. Well, on the 25th, I was out working my arse off for 10 hours!! I remember thinking how insanely low that was....working and working and doting on undeserving and cranky customers and cleaning up after their mess, when I could have been relaxing with my family and friends, drinking, and watching fun Christmasy movies. What was I thinking?? Hmm....I probably wasn't thinking at all.
And guess what I did for New Years? If you guessed, 'working for 10 hours and serving cranky customers', you're absolutely right. Y and I had a tough New Year's Eve, (Yeah, no hot guy to sit next to during the countdown...we didn't even do the countdown!!) so when New Year's rolled around, we kinda clicked. We laughed, cried, wept, and made complete fools of ourselves while waiting for the train to arrive that would bring us home from a long, dizzy day.
Both last year's Christmas and New Year's was pathetic. And I'm determined to have a good one this year! Wish me luck, guys and gals!
Yum, Yum, Sandwich!
Okay, and so the other day, I really felt like eating a sandwich. I know I really shouldn't go by my feelings all the time and eat whatever I feel like eating, but it was an exception. And besides, we only use whole wheat bread, and so that already makes the sandwich crazy-healthy! So, I went to the kitchen, made myself a sandwich, and ate that sandwich! I even made one for Y! It was delightful. Check out the pic, all!
Bushy Eyebrows!
I freak out when my eyebrows start going a bit bushy. It's horrifying! But it's a relief to know that the solution is a simple one. PLUCK!I Like Reading.
It's a bit nerdy. But who cares? I sure don't, especially when the book I'm reading is a masterpiece called, "The Count of Monte Cristo". Loved the book, and loved the movie! In the pic below, I'm reading the Japanese translation for the book, but it's still awesome! I generally prefer my books in English, but if I always read English literature, I'll start forgetting my Kanji's and that's a big NO!
Aaaand, my eye balls are hurting so bad that I'm afraid they'll pop out! In order to prevent this, I'll go to sleep. Love to all, and Merry Christmas!!
The Parker Palm Springs
3 years ago
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I hope you get well soon, and merry christmas & Happy new year. I'm going to Thailand on the 27th so you better get your ass online to chat me atleast once before that. :(
Okay, so yeah, I got the flu...sorry I couldn't get online. I'm gunna be MEGA busy for the next few days... I really wanna chat though. How long are you going to be away?
I'm away 2 weeks. Until the 10th of January I think ^^
Well, I'll try to be online more often...I wanna chat before you leave. Maybe on the 26th? The 25th is kinda ...difficult. When are you open anyways?
I'll try to be online as much as possible on the 26th, if we miss eachother I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year, don't get too drunk now E =P
My Yahoo MSN is crap!! I feel like crying, it just won't start and I tried downloading it again and yet again, and it refuses to work!!!!! ARgh!
how did you grow up so cute in such a short time?
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